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FIN/590 r3
Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Week 2 Assignment Worksheet
Assignment: Understanding of What Materiality and Evidence are and Material Misstatement
Complete the table by filling in each box.
Research, analyze, compare, and contrast the topics listed in each column, including citations.
Operation Audit
Compliance Audit
Financial Statement
Describe materiality
and how auditors
assess and identify
materiality. Provide
examples form your
selected publicly
traded company.
Materiality in auditing
seeks to determine
whether omissions or
misstatements could
influence decision-
Auditors determine
materiality by
following accounting
principles and their
professional judgement
PETUKH, 2018).
Example at
McDonalds include the
include setting
materiality thresholds.
Materiality is a
requirement of
various accounting
standards including
the GAAP and IFRS.
The IFRS defines
what material is as
omissions or
misstatements could
influence decision-
Example at
McDonalds include
the include setting
A misstatement or
omission is
considered material
if it could influence
or mislead the
stakeholders using
the financial
managers, investors,
and partners (Jacoby
& Levy, 2016).
Auditors determine
materiality by
following accounting
principles and their
Example at
McDonalds include
the include setting
Demonstrate how the
auditor assess the risk
of material
misstatement. Provide
examples form your
selected publicly
traded company.
There is no standard
rule or norm for
materiality of
transactions. Thus, it
mostly depends on the
professional judgement
The amount and
nature of a
transaction must be
taken into
consideration when
determining the risk
of a material
Due to the
McDonald’s $20
billion revenue, a
misstatement of
$100,000 would be
deemed immaterial
since it is

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Wk 2 Worksheet
FIN/590 r3
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Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Operation Audit
Compliance Audit
Financial Statement
of the auditor. At
McDonald’s the risk of
material misstatements
is based on the size of
the transaction. For
example, A $1 million
transaction presents a
greater risk than a $50
misstatement. A
misstatement that is
less than 1% of the
total revenue is
deemed immaterial
at McDonald’s.
However, if its due
to fraudulent
behavior, it can be
considered material
inconsequential to
the overall financial
performance. (It is
less than 1%)
Compare and contrast
materiality and
evidence auditors
assess, and identify
materiality in both.
Provide examples
form your selected
publicly traded
Materiality auditors
assess quantity as well
as its effect has on
various activities of the
company. Evidence
auditors assess
accounting records and
other financial data.
An example of
auditing evidence is
include receipts, bank
accounts, bank
statements and
management accounts
of McDonald’s
Under compliance
audit, materiality
auditors assess the
quantity and impact
Evidence auditors
assess information
and determine
whether the company
adheres to external
laws, regulations,
rules or its internal
guidelines. Examples
is assessing the
compliance of
employees in terms
of compliance to foot
safety rules and
In this context,
materiality auditors
assess the quantity
and its impact on the
company’s financial
statement. Evidence
auditors collect
information and
determine the
accuracy and
compliance on
financial statements
of the company. An
examples are
financial data on
income statement
and cash flow
Demonstrate testing
methods and
The testing methods
are based on setting a
materiality threshold or
benchmark and
comparing it with
misstatements to
determine whether
they are material or
not. The sampling is
based on the business
needs some aspects
The testing methods
are based on setting a
materiality threshold
or benchmark and
comparing it with
misstatements to
determine whether
they are material or
not (Kudrenko &
Kotendzhi, 2020).
Sampling covers all
The testing methods
are based on setting
a materiality
threshold or
benchmark and
comparing it with
misstatements to
determine whether
they are material or
not. Sampling covers
all the significant

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FIN/590 r3 Week 2 Assignment Worksheet Assignment: Understanding of What Materiality and Evidence are and Material Misstatement Complete the table by filling in each box. Research, analyze, compare, and contrast the topics listed in each column, including citations. Compliance Audit Financial Statement Audit Describe materiality and how auditors assess and identify materiality. Provide examples form your selected publicly traded company. Materiality in auditing seeks to determine whether omissions or misstatements could influence decisionmakers. Auditors determine materiality by following accounting principles and their professional judgement (SHVYREVA, & PETUKH, 2018). Example at McDonalds include the include setting materiality thresholds. Materiality is a requirement of various accounting standards including the GAAP and IFRS. The IFRS defines what material is as omissions or mis ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
