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Week 3 apply assignment 2

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Since KSAOs may not be directly observable, we must see them as ________.
6 / 6 (100.0%)
Which of the following is a type of training program that is designed for future concerns?
Developmental training
Precautionary training
Gap training
Future training
6 / 6 (100.0%)
What is the first step in developing a top-notch training program?
Understand how people learn
Conduct a needs assessment
Have a need for improvement
Conduct an organization analysis
6 / 6 (100.0%)
Human behavior is rooted in habit and ________.

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Prior experience
Expected outcomes
6 / 6 (100.0%)
Which of the following is NOT a method used to determine the KSAOs for a particular task?
Interviewing job incumbents
Interviewing supervisors
6 / 6 (100.0%)
When it comes to training programs, when employees do not _______, there is no ________,
which means there is no impact for the training program on organizational effectiveness.
Attend; training
Benefit; change
Participate; learning
Learn; transfer
6 / 6 (100.0%)
Once the preliminary list of tasks is developed and confirmed, what is the next step in the task
analysis process?

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• Since KSAOs may not be directly observable, we must see them as ________. • Subjective • Biased • Hypotheses • Objective Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • Which of the following is a type of training program that is designed for future concerns? • Developmental training • Precautionary training • Gap training • Future training Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • What is the first step in developing a top-notch training program? • Understand how people learn • Conduct a needs assessment • Have a need for improvement • Conduct an organization analysis Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • Human behavior is rooted in habit and ________. • Tradition • Perceptions • Prior experience • Expected outcomes Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • Which of the following is NOT a method used to determine the KSAOs for a particular task? • Questionnaire • Interviewing job incumbents • Observation • Interviewing supervisors Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • When it comes to training programs, when employees do not _______, there is no ________, which means there is no impact for the training program on organizational effectiveness. • Attend; training • Benefit; change • Participate; learning • Learn; transfer Feedback 6 / 6 (100.0%) • Once the preliminary list of tasks is developed and confirmed, what is the next step in the task analysis process? • Develop a list of KSAOs needed for each task • Create another list that ...
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