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Week 4 individual assignment 2

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Comparing Average Annual Percent of Diabetic Medicare Enrollees Age 65-75 having
Eye Examination between Florida and Georgia.
1. Introduction
People living with diabetes are at high risk for vision loss from diabetic retinopathy and other eye-
related diseases (Lundeen et al., 2019). This makes regular eye exams among persons with diabetes

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an important exercises fir detecting, monitoring, evaluating, and diagnosing visual health
problems. Despite the widespread recommendations on the use of government-mandated
insurance coverage such as Medicare for eye examination services, many elderly people in the
United States of America still fail to obtain the regular eye exams and other care (Benoit et al.,
2019). Previous studies have attempted to assess eye utilization among people at high risk for
vision loss and the reasons for lack of eye exams.
Lee et al. (2003) conducted a longitudinal study on rates of annual eye exams of Medicare
beneficiaries with diagnoses of diabetes type II using Medicare claims data from the 1990s and
reported that only 5060% of beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes type II had eye exams in a 15-
month period. Other studies report low literacy levels, level of education, ethnicity, and lack of
health insurance as the contributing factors to disparity in eye care utilization among aging
population (Ostermann et al., 2005; Ellwein & Urato, 2012). Although geographical locations or
geographic access barriers have also been mentioned as contributing factors to disparity in eye
exams among persons with diabetes, the lack of recent state-level data has limited identification
of geographic disparities in adherence to annual eye exams. By using the available information
from the Medicare National Data by County (UMGC, 2021), which includes state-level data and
information on Medicare reimbursements and utilization rates at both state and county levels, this
report has a unique opportunity to quantitatively evaluate the disparity in average annual percent
of diabetic Medicare enrollees age 65-75 having eye examination between Florida and Georgia.
2. Research Questions and Hypothesis
2.1 Research Question
This research report was guided by the following research question;

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Comparing Average Annual Percent of Diabetic Medicare Enrollees Age 65-75 having Eye Examination between Florida and Georgia. 1. Introduction People living with diabetes are at high risk for vision loss from diabetic retinopathy and other eyerelated diseases (Lundeen et al., 2019). This makes regular eye exams among persons with diabetes an important exercises fir detecting, monitoring, evaluating, and diagnosing visual health problems. Despite the widespread recommendations on the use of government-mandated insurance coverage such as Medicare for eye examination services, many elderly people in the United States of America still fail to obtain the regular eye exams and other care (Benoit et al., 2019). Previous studies have attempted to assess eye utilization among people at high risk for vision loss and the reasons for lack of eye exams. Lee et al. (2003) conducted a longitudinal study on rates of annual eye exams of Medicare beneficiaries with diagnoses of diabetes type II using Medicare claims data from the 1990s and reported that only 50–60% of beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes type II had eye exams in a 15month period. Other studies report low literacy levels, level of education, ethnicity, and lack of health insurance as the contributing factors to disparity in eye care utilization among aging population (Ostermann et al., 2005; Ellwein & Urato, 2012). Although geographical locations or geographic access barriers have also been mentioned as contributing factor ...
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