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How java is platform independent

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Previously, most of the programs written in any language have had to be recompiled or rewritten for
every other computer platform. Means, you have to either change your code or recompile it when
you change the platform (i.e. windows or UNIX or Mac OS etc).JAVA comes with its greatest
advantage that you only have to write and compile your code once. The Java on any platform will
interpret the compiled byte code (.class file) into instructions understandable by the particular
processor using either interpreter or JIT compiler.JVM uses both the interpreter and JIT compiler.
Note: JIT do not do code compilation but the byte code compilation to platform language
(Instruction set)
So we can say if we have JVM available for any platform, the onetime compiled code will work on it
using the WORA feature of Java i.e. Write Once Run Anywhere.

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Previously, most of the programs written in any language have had to be recompiled or rewritten for every other computer platform. Means, you have to either change your code or recompile it when you change the platform (i.e. windows or UNIX or Mac OS etc).JAVA comes with its greatest advantage that ...
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