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A p hernane ece 211 midterm exam

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Name: Adrian Paul C. Hernane
Year/Course/Section: 2-BSECE-A
ECE 211 Midterm Exam
I. Provide the answers for the following numbers below.2pts each.
____29__1. The nucleus of a copper atoms contains how many protons?
____4___2. How many valence electrons does a silicon atom have?
____14__3. How many protons does the nucleus of a silicon atom contain?
__crystal_4. Silicon atoms combine into an orderly pattern called a _______.
_-273.15_5. Absolute zero temperature equals ___°C.
____3___6. Trivalent atoms have how many valence electrons?
____5___7. A donor atoms has how many valence electrons?
___0.7V_8. To produce a large forward current in a silicon diode, the applied voltage must be greater ___.
_greater_9. In half wave rectification the PIV rating must be ____ than maximum input voltage.
_clipper_10. A diode network that have the ability to clip off a portion of the input signal without distorting
the remaining part of the alternating waveform.
II. Copy and paste your written solution here for every question. Be sure the image is clear and readable.10
pts each.
1. You measure 0 V across the diode of given figure below. Next you check the source voltage and it reads
+5 V with respect to ground. What is wrong with the circuit?

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Name: Adrian Paul C. Hernane Year/Course/Section: 2-BSECE-A ECE 211 Midterm Exam I. Provide the answers for the following numbers below.2pts each. ____29__1. The nucleus of a copper atoms contains how many protons? ____4___2. How many valence electrons does a silicon atom have? ____14__3. How many protons does the nucleus of a silicon atom contain? __crystal_4. Silicon atoms combine into an orderly pattern called a _______. _-273.15_5. Absolute zero temperature equals ___°C. ____3___6. Trivalent atoms have how many valence electrons? ____5___7. A donor atoms has how many valence electrons? __ ...
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