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Quiz fill in the blanks txt

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1. The sequence of steps that describes a computational processes is called a
(n) d. algorithm
2. An algorithm consists of a (n) ____ number of instructions. A. finite
3. In carrying out the instructions of any algorithm, the computing agent starts
with some given information (known as ____).
C. input
4. In carrying out the instructions of any algorithm, the computing agent
transforms some given information according to well-defined rules, and produces
new information, known as
D. output
5. ____ consists of the physical devices required to execute algorithms. A.
b. Hardware
6. ____ is the set of algorithms, represented as programs in particular
programming languages.
C. Software
7. A ____ takes a set of machine language instructions as input and loads them
into the appropriate memory locations.
C. loader
8. In science or any other area of enquiry, a (n) ____ allows human beings to
reduce complex ideas or entities to simpler ones.
A. abstraction
9. To quit the Python shell, you can either select the window’s close box or press
the ____ key combination.
c. Control+Z
10. In the ____ phase of the waterfall model, the programmers determine what
the program will do
C. design
11. In the ____ phase of the waterfall model, the programmers receive a broad
statement of a problem that is potentially amenable to a computerized solution.
A. customer request
12. Algorithms are more often written in a somewhat stylized version of English
called ____.
B. pseudo code
13. In programming, a ____ consists of a set of values and a set of operations
that can be performed on those values.
A. class
14. In Python, int, long, and ____ are called numeric data types.
B. float

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1. The sequence of steps that describes a computational processes is called a (n) d. algorithm 2. An algorithm consists of a (n) ____ number of instructions. A. finite 3. In carrying out the instructions of any algorithm, the computing agent starts with some given information (known as ____). C. input 4. In carrying out the instructions of any algorithm, the computing agent transforms some given information according to well-defined rules, and produces new information, known as D. output 5. ____ consists of the physical devices required to execute algorithms. A. b. Hardware 6. ____ is the set ...
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