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Semiconductordiode 3

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p n TABLE 1.2 Resistance Levels Type Equation DC or static VD RD   ID AC or dynamic Average ac V 26 mV rd  d   Id ID Vd rav   Id pt. to pt. Special Characteristics Graphical Determination Defined as a point on the characteristics Defined by a tangent line at the Q-point Defined by a straight line between limits of operation 1.8 DIODE EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS An equivalent circuit is a combination of elements properly chosen to best represent the actual terminal characteristics of a device, system, or such in a particular operating region. In other words, once the equivalent circuit is defined, the device symbol can be removed from a schematic and the equivalent circuit inserted in its place without severely affecting the actual behavior of the system. The result is often a network that can be solved using traditional circuit analysis techniques. Piecewise-Linear Equivalent Circuit One technique for obtaining an equivalent circuit for a diode is to approximate the characteristics of the device by straight-line segments, as shown in Fig. 1.31. The resulting equivalent circuit is naturally called the piecewise-linear equivalent circuit. It should be obvious from Fig. 1.31 that the straight-line segments do not result in an exact duplication of the actual characteristics, especially in the knee region. However, the resulting segments are sufficiently close to the actual curve to establish an equivalent circuit that will provide an excellent first approx ...
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