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PHYSICAL SCIENCE MAJORSHIP PHYSICS I. INTRODUCTION – Nature of Science a. Apply a scheme for classification b. Identify the hypothesis that underlies an experimental design c. Select appropriate tools and procedures in conducting investigation and/or solving problems d. Identify variables involved in an investigation e. Interpret data accurately in an appropriate table, chart, or graph f. Draw conclusions based on the available data g. Make predictions based on conclusions from scientific experimentation h. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative observations on objects or phenomena i. Evaluate the social implications of controversial science and technology issues II. CHEMISTRY 1. Matter: Its Composition and Properties a. Classify matter according to characteristic properties b. Give uses of materials based on their properties 2. Atomic and Molecular a. Identify properties of sub-atomic particles b. Perform calculations involving mass number, atomic number, number of protons, electrons and neutrons c. Identify the group and period where each element belongs d. Select which model represents atoms, ions and molecules e. Apply the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory in predicting molecular geometry 3. Chemical Bonds a. Differentiate the three types of chemical bonding b. Use the periodic table to predict the types of bonding that will occur between specific elements c. Compare the different types of intermolecular forces and relate these to their physical ...
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