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Musical aspect in the play “The Marriage of Figaro
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Question: The Marriage of Figaro (Le Marriage de Figaro) Play by Pierre-Augustin Caron de
Beaumarchais Give a quick summary and some point on the musical aspect
Subject: Music
Musical aspect in the play “The Marriage of Figaro
In theatre, plays and other components become entertaining and interesting when used
alongside music. Thus, music forms the basis of most theatre components. For instance, music
can be used in commenting on the various actions that take place on a stage, reveal the inner
feelings of a character, or foreshadow a vicious attack or budding love (Nussbaum, 2010). This
makes the drama and plays complete work. In the play, “The Marriage of Figaro”, there are
musical aspects portrayed by Beaumarchais.
Among the musical comedies, this work is one of the funniest and poignant, and the
music is well presented. For instance, this play commences with a pianissimo tremble that
explodes into a comical ordeal (Mozart, 2013). The tremble plays an essential role in setting the
febrile atmosphere for the overall work. Beaumarchais makes use of music to possess dramatic
situations since it changes characters' emotions and charts their response based on the actions
around them (Nussbaum, 2010). There is also the use of figures that helps in changing colors and
moods, which is attributed to the use of various texts. Undoubtedly, this music is alive.
Similarly, characters act as music symbols, such as Basilio and Cheburino. For instance,
Cheborino sang a song to honor the countess, where other characters sang songs throughout the
play. Also, Basilio acts as a music master, while Suzanna sings a song while spending some time
alone (Mozart, 2013). Thus, the overall music aspect is used in showing the real drama and the
power in it. This gives the play interesting and gives it a flow. Moreover, throughout the uses the

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1 Musical aspect in the play “The Marriage of Figaro” Student’s Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 Question: The Marriage of Figaro (Le Marriage de Figaro) Play by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais Give a quick summary and some point on the musical aspect Subject: Music Musical aspect in the play “The Marriage of Figaro” In theatre, plays and other components become entertaining and interesting when used alongside music. Thus, music forms the basis of most theatre components. For instance, music can be used in commenting on the various actions that take place on a stage, reveal the inner feelings of a character, or foreshadow a vicious attack or budding love (Nussbaum, 2010). This makes the drama and plays complete work. In the play, “The Marriage of Figaro”, there are musical aspects portrayed by Beaumarchais. Among the musical comedies, this work is one of the funniest and poignant, and the music is well presented. For instance, this play commences with a pianissimo tremble that explodes into a comical ordeal (Mozart, 2013). The tremble plays an essential role in setting the febrile atmosphere for the overall work. Beaumarchais makes use of music to po ...
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