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Research proposal on water and sediment quality in salman bay saudi arabia 1480words plus references

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Research Proposal
Student’s Name
ENGL 999: Course Name
Dr. Professor’s Name
Due Date

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Research Summary
The research proposal's focus is the water and sediment quality of Salman bay near
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The bay is prone to environmental issues since it has no freshwater
inflows, and it is connected to the Red Sea only by a shallow and narrow inlet. Besides, the bay
itself has a shallow water depth and a very high salinity. The proposed research would assess the
bay's current state through measurements of water and sediment quality parameters and their
further analysis using principal component analysis, water quality index, contamination factor,
pollution load index, etc. The acquired data sets would also allow computing correlations
between various parameters (both water quality and sediment quality). The principal component
analysis would give a better insight into the spatial and temporal distribution of water and
sediment quality parameters, possibly identifying pollution sources, etc. This process would be
mirrored in at least two other locations (bays) in the vicinity of Salman bay that already have
ongoing economic and tourist functions. By comparing the results for Salman bay and the two
other locations with pre-existing anthropogenic activity, conclusions could be drawn regarding
developments intended for Salman bay.
Coastal water quality is prone to considerable environmental stress caused by
anthropogenic influence and climate change. This is especially true for shallow bays with no (or
little) freshwater sources and a limited connection to the open sea. These water bodies have their
chemical and ecological regime, which can be significantly altered by human activities.
Therefore, research concerning their current state and the analysis of what would human
interference has on them is of utmost interest.

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1 Research Proposal Student’s Name Affiliation ENGL 999: Course Name Dr. Professor’s Name Due Date 2 Research Summary The research proposal's focus is the water and sediment quality of Salman bay near Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The bay is prone to environmental issues since it has no freshwater inflows, and it is connected to the Red Sea only by a shallow and narrow inlet. Besides, the bay itself has a shallow water depth and a very high salinity. The proposed research would assess the bay's current state through measurements of water and sediment quality parameters and their further analysis using principal component analysis, water quality index, contamination factor, pollution load index, etc. The acquired data sets would also allow computing correlations between various parameters (both water quality and sediment quality). The principal component analysis would give a better insight into the spatial and temporal distribution of water and sediment quality parameters, possibly identifying pollution sources, etc. This process would be mirrored in at least two other locations (bays) in the vicinity of Salman bay that already have ongoing economic and tourist functions. By comparing the results for Salman bay and the two other locations with pre-existing anthropogenic activity, conclusions could be drawn regarding developments intended for Salman bay. Introduction Coastal water quality is prone to considerable environmental stress caused by anthropogenic influence and cli ...
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