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Maths quiz 2

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Maths quiz:
Question 1: Find the sum of 111+222+333 =…..?
Answer: a) 666
Question 2: Subtract 500 from 700.
Answer: a) 300
b) 200
c) 100
d) 45
Question 3: 50 times 5 is equal to.
Answer: a) 250
b) 350
c) 450
d) 500
Question 4: 80 divided by 10 equals.
Answer: a) 1
b) 8
c) 90
d) 60

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Question 5: Simplify 45+10-5
Answer: a) 50
b) 60
c) 65
d) 34
Question 6: Solve 100-(25÷5).
Answer: a) 200
b) 150
c) 95
d) 75
Question 7: Find the product of 15*15
Answer: a) 225
b) 115
c) 352
d) 257
Question 8: Simplify: 25+(5*4)
Answer: a) 46
b) 45
c) 37
d) 1

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Maths quiz: Question 1: Find the sum of 111+222+333 =…..? Answer: a) 666 b)500 c)48 d)55 Question 2: Subtract 500 from 700. Answer: a) 300 b) 200 c) 100 d) 45 Question 3: 50 times 5 is equal to. Answer: a) 250 b) 350 c) 450 d) 500 Question 4: 80 divided by 10 equals. Answer: a) 1 b) 8 c) 90 d) 60 Question 5: Simplify 45+10-5 Answer: a) 50 b) 60 c) 65 d) 34 Question 6: Solve 100-(25÷5). Answer: a) 200 b) 150 c) 95 d) 75 Question 7: Find the product of 15*15 Answer: a) 225 b) 115 c) 352 d) 257 Question 8: Simplify: 25+(5*4) Answer: a) 46 b) 45 c) 37 d) 1 Question 9: Simplify: 40-(3*5) Answer: a) 26 b) 25 c) 35 d) 45 Question 10: Simplify 5+(9*10). Answer: a) 75 b) 85 c) 25 d) 95 Name: Description: ...
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