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Do students who attended online class will get better academic performance? Based on our
previous researches, attending online class helps students improve their academic performances along
with some factors. Thus, if students’ academic performance will improve, online class if effective. If online
class is well-presented, then the academic performance of the students will be at proficiency level.
The general intent of this study is to know the effectiveness of online class to the Grade 12 STEM
of St. Joseph Institute, Inc. of Candon City, Ilocos Sur with the focus on students’ academic performance.
This study will mainly assess how effective the online class in improving the academic
performance of the students during this COVID-19 pandemic and identify if there are factors that affect
the students’ academic performance during their online class.
This study will be conducted with limited time framework and through online platform only for
everyone’s safety.
Responses to the questionnaire by the Grade 12 STEM students were statistically analyzed with
the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count of their responses every
question is considered.
After we have formulated the title, objectives, and survey questionnaires. We conducted the
survey through online platform and uses quantitative research. Based on the survey we conducted
through online platform, we came up and gathered these data. The following figures are arranged
according to the sequence of survey questions answered by the respondents.
Figure 1.1

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Figure 1.1 shows the percentage of respondents who answer the survey question number 1 which 49.2%
answer maybe, 39.7% answer no and 11.1% answer yes.
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.2 shows the percentage of respondents who answer the survey question number 2 which 39.7%
answer no, 31.7% answer maybe and 28.6% answer yes.
Figure 1.3

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HYPOTHESIS Do students who attended online class will get better academic performance? Based on our previous researches, attending online class helps students improve their academic performances along with some factors. Thus, if students’ academic performance will improve, online class if effective. If online class is well-presented, then the academic performance of the students will be at proficiency level. SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS The general intent of this study is to know the effectiveness of online class to the Grade 12 – STEM of St. Joseph Institute, Inc. of Candon City, Ilocos Sur with the focus on students’ academic performance. This study will mainly assess how effective the online class in improving the academic performance of the students during this COVID-19 pandemic and identify if there are factors that affect the students’ academic performance during their online class. This study will be conducted with limited time framework and through online platform only for everyone’s safety. CHAPTER III STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA Responses to the questionnaire by the Grade 12 – STEM students were statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count of their responses every question is considered. CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA After we have formulated the title, objectives, and survey questionnaires. We conducted the survey through online platform and uses quantitative ...
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