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36669973 endocrine system

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Homeostasis depends on the precise regulation of the organ and organ systems of the
body. The nervous and endocrine system are two major systems responsible for that regulation.
Together they regulate and coordinate the activity of nearly all other body structures. When these
system fail to function properly, homeostasis is not maintained. Failure of some component of
the endocrine system to function can result in disease such as Diabetes Mellitus or Addison’s
The regulatory function of the nervous system and endocrine systems are similar in some
respects, but they differ in other important ways. The nervous system controls the activity of
tissues by sending action potentials along axons, which release chemical signals at their ends,
near the cell they control. The endocrine system releases chemical signals into the circulatory
system, which carries to all parts of the body. The cell that can detect those chemical signal
produce responses.
The nervous system usually acts quickly and has short term effects, whereas the
endocrine system usually response more slowly and has longer-lasting effects. In general, each
nervous stimulus controls a specific tissue or organ, whereas each endocrine stimulus controls
several tissues or organ.
It regulates water balance by controlling the solute concentrations of the blood.
It regulates uterine contractions during delivery of the newborn and stimulates milk
release from the breast in lactating females.

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It regulates the growth of many tissues, such as bone and muscles, and the rate of the
metabolism of many tissues, which helps maintain a normal body temperature and
normal mental function. Maturation of tissues, which result in the development of adult
features and adult behavior, are also influence by the endocrine system.
It regulates sodium, potassium and calcium concentrations in the blood.
It regulates the heart rate and blood pressure and helps prepare the body for physical
It regulates blood glucoce levels and other nutrient levels in the blood
It helps control the production and function of immune cells.
It controls the development and the function of the reproductive systems in males and
an elongated gland extending from the duodenum to the spleen; consist of a head, body,
and the tail. There is an exocrine portion, which secretes digestive enzymes that are
carried by the pancreatic duct to the duodenum, and pancreatic islet, which secrete insulin
and glucagon.
The endocrine part of the pancreas consists of pancreatic islets (small islands; islet of
Langerhans) dispersed among the exocrine portion of the pancreas. The islets secrete two
hormones insulin and glucagonwhich function to help regulate blood nutrient levels,
especially blood glucose.
Alpha cells of the pancreatic islets secrete glucagon.
Beta cells of the pancreatic islet secrete insulin.
It is very important to maintain blood glucose levels within a normal range of values. A
decline in the blood glucose levels within a normal range causes the nervous system to
malfunction because glucose is the nervous system’s main source of energy. When blood
glucose decreases, other tissues to provide an alternative energy source break fats and
proteins rapidly. As fats are broken down, the liver to acidic ketones, which are release
into the circulatory system, converts some of the fatty acids. When blood glucose level
are very low, the breakdown of fats can cause the release of enough fatty acid and
ketones to cause the pH of the fluids to decrease below normal, a condition called
acidosis. The amino acids of proteins are broken down and used to synthesize glucose by
the liver.
If blood glucose levels are too high, the kidneys produce large volumes of urine
containing substantial amounts of glucose because of the rapid loss of water in the form
of urine, dehydration result.
Insulin is released from the beta cells primarily response to the elevated blood glucose
levels and increased parasympathetic stimulation that is associated with digestion of a
meal. Increase blood levels of certain amino acids also stimulate insulin secretion.
Decreased result from decreasing blood glucose levels and from stimulation by the
sympathetic of the nervous system. Sympathetic stimulation of the pancreas occurs
during physical activity. Decreased insulin levels allow blood glucose to be conserved to
provide the brain with adequate glucose and to allow other tissues to metabolize fatty
acids and glycogen stored in the cell.

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ANATOMY AND PHYSILOGY ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Homeostasis depends on the precise regulation of the organ and organ systems of the body. The nervous and endocrine system are two major systems responsible for that regulation. Together they regulate and coordinate the activity of nearly all other body structures. When these system fail to function properly, homeostasis is not maintained. Failure of some component of the endocrine system to function can result in disease such as Diabetes Mellitus or Addison’s disease. The regulatory function of the nervous system and endocrine systems are similar in some respects, but they differ in other important ways. The nervous system controls the activity of tissues by sending action potentials along axons, which release chemical signals at their ends, near the cell they control. The endocrine system releases chemical signals into the circulatory system, which carries to all parts of the body. The cell that can detect those chemical signal produce responses. The nervous system usually acts quickly and has short term effects, whereas the endocrine system usually response more slowly and has longer-lasting effects. In general, each nervous stimulus con ...
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