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Compendium Notes Chapter 13 Nervous System
Overview of Nervous System
The Central Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System
13.1 Overview of Nervous System (Mader p. 248 253)
1. Central Nervous System (CNS)
a. Brain and Spinal Cord.
2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
a. Consists of nerves that lie outside the CNS.
Nervous System has 3 Specific Functions:
1. Receives sensory input Sensory receptors in skin and other organs respond to
external and internal stimuli by generating nerve impulses.
2. Performs integration the CNS sums up the input it receives from all over the
3. The CNS generates motor output nerve impulses from the CNS go through PNS
to muscles and glands.
Nervous Tissue
-Contains two types of cells: Neurons and Neuroglian.
-Neurons are cells that transmit nerve impulses between parts of the nervous
-Neuroglia support and nourish neurons.
Neuron Structure
Three types of Neurons:
1. Sensory Neuron
a. Takes nerve impulses from sensory receptor to the CNS. Sensory
receptors are special structures that detect changes in the environment.
2. Interneuron
a. Lies entirely within the CNS; they can receive input from sensory neurons
and also from other interneurons in the CNS. They sum up all the nerve
impulses received from neurons before they communicate with motor
3. Motor Neuron
a. Takes nerve impulses away from the CNS to an effector (muscle fiber or
gland). Effectors carry out our responses to environmental changes
(internal and external).

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