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Christian slave owner

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Influence of Slave on Christian Slave Owners
In the time when slavery was much pronounced, Christians used to practice it. Many
Christian slave owners were converted to Christianity. The Christian slave owners were
influenced by slavery in using the bible to justify slave actions (Douglass, pg.170). Many slave
owners use d bible verses when performing slave actions. The Christian slave owner claimed to
keep slaves was according to the bible .in explaining the concepts about slavery, the Christians
used the bible to defend the claims. The essay will discuss the Christian slave owner's character.
It will also compare the Christian slave owner to other slave owners.
Douglas in his narrative explains his condition as being fair. Douglass realized he was a
owned child, he lacked cloths, he lacked shelter and parents too. Douglas depended on the
slavery camp for everything. In the slavery camp in Maryland, the slaves were fed well. When
compared to other slaves at Georgia. Douglas and the other slaves were treated well. Harriet
Jacob on the other hand wanted to move from the slavery. She wanted to escape to rescue her
children from falling in the same trouble. Jacob was sexually victimized. Jacob compared to
Douglass he had comfort. Douglass obtained freedom through being mobile while Harriet Jacob
obtained freedom through being immobile. The slaves were also well treated slave owners were

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known to own slaves in the name of Christianity. The Cristian slave owner would use bible verse
to defend the bad things which were done to slave. A Christian slave owner by the name of
Edward Covey is an example of a Christian slave owner. The Christian slave owner was
stubborn. He used to beat the slaves and hid it using bible verses (Douglass,2019).A good
example is seen in Douglass's words, "He that knoweth his master's will, and doeth it not, shall
be beaten with many stripes"(Douglass,pg. 170). the words show how the Christian slave
owners were using the bible in practicing slivery. Covey was a Christian leader, but he kept a
slave. Such a case shows how the Christian slave owner was a hypocrite. Being a leader, one was
expected to stay holy and preserve the rights of the human being. Covey used to practice slavery
but hide in the scripture, he was also associated with women suffering, and covey would sell
women to prostitution. Douglass's hatred that the Christian captain of slaves did was shown by
describing how the captain tied a woman and beat him until blood spurted. It shows how the
Christian slave owner was merciless. The Christians, instead of helping slaves they continued to
persecute the slaves.
When the Christian slave owner is compared to other texts about slavery, a difference is
found. The Christian slave owner owned slaves whom he used to mistreat. On the other hand, in
the other text of fugitive slaves, the slaves tried to escape (Waite, pg.180).In the context, Jacob
Harriet was escaping from slave through being immobile while Douglas was escaping through
being mobile. The slaves who tried to were recaptured back to custody; besides, those who
escaped from the bondage we're given a slavery punishment. The punishment included beating
the slaves. Both of the text had similarities in the way punishment were administered. When
slaves did offenses, the punishment which was given was beating. In both texts, the saves were
bitten thoroughly.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Influence of Slave on Christian Slave Owners In the time when slavery was much pronounced, Christians used to practice it. Many Christian slave owners were converted to Christianity. The Christian slave owners were influenced by slavery in using the bible to justify slave actions (Douglass, pg.170). Many slave owners use d bible verses when performing slave actions. The Christian slave owner claimed to keep slaves was according to the bible .in explaining the concepts about slavery, the Christians used the bible to defend the claims. The essay will discuss the Christian slave owner's character. It will also compare the Christian slave owner to other slave owners. Douglas in his narrative explains his condition as being fair. Douglass realized he was a owned child, he lacked cloths, he lacked shelter and parents too. Douglas depe ...
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