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Proposal on climate change

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Proposal on Climate Change
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name

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Problem statement
One of the complex issues facing the world today is climate change. Climate change
occurs in vast dimensions. It includes science issues, the social dimension, and the political
dimension as well as ethics. Climate change is a problematic concern which is experienced in the
world (Change, 2017). If the problem is not checked and solutions found, it may be a problem
that will continue affecting the globe. Human activities have caused the issue of climate change.
Some human activities emit dangerous gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon IV oxide and
other greenhouse gases. The effect the gases have on the atmosphere is global warming. For
many years, global warming has been an issue of concern. The gases which have been emitted
into the atmosphere still have the effect. The effect cannot end by itself unless viable solutions
are sought. When solutions are not developed immediately, the problem may affect the
environment significantly. Climate change has several effects on the life of human beings on
earth. Some of the effects include causing abnormally high temperatures. The high temperature
will, in turn, lead to the drying of the vegetation. The effect also leads to the development of too
high rainfall, which falls unexpectedly. The problems associated with high rainfall include
flooding, which is ranked as a natural hazard. From the overview of the problem related to
climate change, there is a need to develop a long-term solution that mitigates the effects of
climate change. In the proposal, a solution that can be used to curb global warming will be
Solution Proposal.
Because climate change is growing every day to an extreme level, solutions are being
developed to curb the effects. Many researchers have come up with different solutions to climate
change. However, the solutions have not given the best in controlling the problem. The solutions

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1 Proposal on Climate Change Student’s Name Course Instructor’s Name Institution 2 Problem statement One of the complex issues facing the world today is climate change. Climate change occurs in vast dimensions. It includes science issues, the social dimension, and the political dimension as well as ethics. Climate change is a problematic concern which is experienced in the world (Change, 2017). If the problem is not checked and solutions found, it may be a problem that will continue affecting the globe. Human activities have caused the issue of climate change. Some human activities emit dangerous gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon IV oxide and other greenhouse gases. The effect the gases have on the atmosphere is global warming. For many years, global warming has been an issue of concern. The gases which have been emitted into the atmosphere still have the effect. The effect cannot end by itself unless viable solutions are sought. When solutions are not developed immediately, the problem may affect the environment significantly. Climate change has several effects on the life of human beings on earth. Some of the effects include causing abnormally high temperatures. The high temperature will, in turn, lead to the drying of the vegetation. The effect also leads to the development of too high rainfall, which falls unexpectedly. The problems associated with high rainfall include flooding, which is ranked as a natural hazard. From the overview of the problem related ...
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