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Cells having similar structural characteristics and functions are grouped together to form tissues.
Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous
General Characteristics
1. Lines and covers body surfaces
2. Forms glandular tissue
3. No direct blood supply
4. Little surrounding extracellular space; cells closely packed together
5. Epithelial Cells held together by specializations on lateral cell surface: zonula adherens and
macula adherens or desmosome.
6. Zonula occludens and gap junction specialization of lateral cell membrane implicated in
functions such as transport and electrical coupling
7. Apical surface of columnar epithelial cells modified to form microvilli, characteristic of
digestive system and cilia, characateristic of respiratory tract.
8. Basal layer of epithelial cells rest on a basement membrane
9. Three shapes of cells squamous, columnar, and cuboidal
10. Arrangement one layer or simple, many layers or stratified
1. Protection
2. Secretion
3. Absorption
4. Special sensation; specialized neuroepithelium; examples eye, ear and nose.
Most Common Types of Epithelium
Simple Squamous lining heart, blood, and lymph vessels and forming capillary networks
endothelium; lining serous cavities and covering visceral organs mesothelium; ease of
exchange of materials due to one-cell layer thickness
Simple Cuboidal found in many glands, lines kidney tubules, adapted for secretion and
Simple Columnar found lining digestive tract, stomach, small and large intestine; in small
intestine epithelial cells with microvilli predominant; function of microvilli is to increase
surface area for absorption.
Pseudostratified one layer of cells but appear as many layers; pseudostratified with goblet
cells lines greater part of respiratory passages.
Stratified squamous many cell layers, adapted for protection; forms outer layer of skin
Transitional many cell layers, lines hollow organs that are subjective to changes due to
contraction and distention, such as the urinary bladder.

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1. Provides framework that supports epithelium and other tissues; essential role in transport,
protection and repair.
2. Greater proportion of extracellular material in relation to cells.
A. Connective Tissue Proper
Loose (areolar) connective tissue Composition: many collagenous fibers, some elastic and
reticular fibers; cells fibroblasts, macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, adipose cells,
and blood cells.
Function: connects, insulates, forms protecting sheaths, and is continuous throughout the
whole body; fluid matrix is called tissue fluid; fluid matrix, often called internal
environment, serves as a medium for transfer of supplies from blood and lymph
vessels to cells, and wastes from cells to blood and lymph; stores water, salts, and
Dense irregular connective tissue collagenous bundles thicker, more numerous, and
randomly woven into compact framework; typically seen in dermis of skin
Dense regular connective issue collagen fibers predominant, arranged in specific patterns; this
tissue makes up tendons, ligaments
Elastic connective tissue elastic fibers predominate; tissue is extensile and elastic; found in
walls of arteries, trachea, bronchial tubes, and vocal folds
Reticular tissue predominant fiber type is reticular; this tissue makes up stroma of liver,
spleen and lymphoid organs.
Adipose connective tissue cells filled with fat; found throughout body wherever loose
connective tissue found; important reserve of food, which may be utilized for energy;
supports and protects various organs
B. Cartilage. Cartilage consists of a group of cells in a matrix. It is firm , tough, and elastic covered
and nourished by perichondrium
1. Hyaline Cartilage
2. Fibrocartilage
3. Elastic Cartilage
C. Bone, or Osseous Tissue. Bone is connective tissue in which the intercellular substance derived
from the cells is rendered hard by being impregnated with mineral salts.
Inorganic Matter (about 67%)
Calcium Phosphate
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Fluoride
Magnesium phosphate
Sodium Chloride

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SUMMARY Cells having similar structural characteristics and functions are grouped together to form tissues. PRIMARY TISSUES Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous EPTIHELIAL TISSUE General Characteristics 1. Lines and covers body surfaces 2. Forms glandular tissue 3. No direct blood supply 4. Little surrounding extracellular space; cells closely packed together 5. Epithelial Cells held together by specializations on lateral cell surface: zonula adherens and macula adherens or desmosome. 6. Zonula occludens and gap junction specialization of lateral cell membrane implicated in functions such as transport and electrical coupling 7. Apical surface of columnar epithelial cells modified to form microvilli, characteristic of digestive system and cilia, characateristic of respiratory tract. 8. Basal layer of epithelial cells rest on a basement membrane 9. Three shapes of cells – squamous, columnar, and cuboidal 10. Arrangement – one layer or simple, many layers or stratified Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Protection Secretion Absorption Special sensation; specialized neuroepithelium; examples – eye, ear and nose. Most Common Types of Epithelium Simple Squamous – lining heart, blood, and lymph vessels and forming capillary networks – endothelium; lining serous cavities and covering visceral organs – mesothelium; ease of exchange of materials due to one-cell layer thickness Simple Cuboidal – found in many glands, lines kidney tubules, adapted for secretion and absorption ...
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