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Read case: farm bank
I. Problems
a. Macro
1. the MIS installation was done when the employees at The Farm Bank were not
adequately prepared; the effect of this is that they do not know how to use the system
2. Most of The Farm Bank members were reluctant to use the Management Information
System. They claimed the system had several issues like errors and inaccuracies,
printouts that are technical to interpret. Some still held on to their manual records. 3
3. The Farm Bank is one of the oldest banking institutions in the state. It has not
undertaken any operational systems updates; the consumers' services may not be up
to standard and not improved.
b. micro
1. The management information system turned out not to be useful as it was expected.
2. Al Hassler, the head of departments, is up to the task to ensure the MIS functions
effectively and operable by employees and benefits the entire organization.
II. Causes;
1. The first cause is due to the act of Al Hassler of keeping the outcomes of the survey from
the president of the farm and all from all the employees.
2. Most of the farm employees are resistant to change and comfortable with their manual
record systems.
3. There has not been any form of training concerning the Management Information system
for the employees.
III. System affected
i. the management information system has no future in the Bank unless the channel
communication is changed.
ii. The employees' management system will be left out because most of them are not
trained in operating the system.
iii. There will be no improvement in production rates since the employees will not be
working using the Bank's operation system.
IV. Alternatives
1. The organization is supposed to improve the management Information system for the
employees to use it.
2. The Farm Bank should put in training sessions to teach the employees how to use the new
system to produce the required effects.
3. The new system's enforced use should be reduced, and interest should be directed to
alternative resources.
V. Recommendation

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Read case: farm bank I. Problems a. Macro 1. the MIS installation was done when the employees at The Farm Bank were not adequately prepared; the effect of this is that they do not know how to use the system efficiently. 2. Most of The Farm Bank members were reluctant to use the Management Information System. They claimed the system had several issues like errors and inaccuracies, printouts that are technical to interpret. Some still held on to their manual records. 3 3. The Farm Bank is one of the oldest banking institutions in the state. It has not undertaken any operational systems updates; ...
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