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Peer response

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Running head: peer response 1
Peer response
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Running head: peer response 2
Answer 1
The introduction used was remarkable, and it gives clarification on your research purposes about
the technology of e-commerce in different companies and their businesses and the roles it will
Assignment specification
Your research accurately states the functions and involvement of e-commerce through the buying
of goods and services and selling, the process through it transferring data and capital
electronically by the use of the internet. I like the way you stated your thesis at the end of your
introduction by saying how the business processes will be conducted, e.g., from consumer to
The paper also focuses on how e-commerce has enabled online shopping just at the comfort of
one’s seat through the use of mobile commerce in the market.
The conclusion helped to close very many questions when it clears the air about the similarities
and the differences between e-commerce and marketing, the use of mobile in marketing and the
importance of incorporating techniques in mobile marketing to e-commerce.

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1 Running head: peer response Peer response Name Institution affiliation Date Running head: peer response 2 Answer 1 Introduction The introduction used was remarkable, and it gives clarification on your research purposes about the technology of e-commerce in different companies and their businesses and the roles it will play. Assignment specification Your research accurately states the functions and involvement of e-commerce through the buying of goods and services and selling, the process through it transferring data and capital electronically by the use of the internet. I like the way you stated your thesis at the end of your introduction by saying how the business processes will be conducted, e.g., from consumer to consumer. The paper also focuses on how e-commerce has enabled online shopping just at the comfort of one’s seat through the use of mobile commerce in the market. Conclusion The conclusion helped to close very many questions when it clears the air about the similarities and the differences between e-commerce and marketing, the use of mobile in marketing and the importance of incorporating techniques in mobile marketing to e-commerce. Running head: peer respo ...
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