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Rent from Natural Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa
The sub-Saharan Africa are known for their rich natural resources. The rent obtained
from these sizable natural resources have a significant contribution to the overall GDP. The
positive impact of rent received from resource rent are affected by the prevalence of the Dutch
disease in the sub-Saharan countries. Poor management of exchange rate received from the
resource rents also contributes to negative correlation between the resource rent and the GDP per
capita (Pérez and Claveria, 2020, p.101535). Besides, the positive correlation between resource
rent and GDP per capita significantly depend on effective management of these natural
resources. This is however, a challenge to most of the sub Saharan-African countries. Most lack
effective policies to ensure effective management of these abundant resource which hence do not
make a big difference between them and the resource scarce countries. The rent obtained from
natural resources in sub Saharan Africa according to Asamoah, Mensah, and Bondzie (2019,
p.66) do not translate into stronger economic performance and higher standard of living. To
improve the impacts of the rent from the natural resources, the sub Saharan African countries
needs to make the right policy decisions in managing these natural resources. According to the
recent studies, most of the sub-Saharan countries have lost opportunities for strong growth and
economic development. This is attributed to the volatility in resource prices. National politics
have significantly contributed to the poor performance of the macroeconomic (Oyinlola,
Adedeji, and Bolarinwa, 2020, p.88). This is due to the uneven distribution of the rent obtained
from the natural resources. The rent obtained ends up being in the hands of a few hence low
GDP growth rate than expected. The study determines the impacts of rents from natural
resources on real exchange rates in sub-Saharan Africa.
Literature Review

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RENT FROM NATURAL RESOURCES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 1 RENT FROM NATURAL RESOURCES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA By Name Course code Instructor’s name University name City, State Date of submission RENT FROM NATURAL RESOURCES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 2 Rent from Natural Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa The sub-Saharan Africa are known for their rich natural resources. The rent obtained from these sizable natural resources have a significant contribution to the overall GDP. The positive impact of rent received from resource rent are affected by the prevalence of the Dutch disease in the sub-Saharan countries. Poor management of exchange rate received from the resource rents also contributes to negative correlation between the resource rent and the GDP per capita (Pérez and Claveria, 2020, p.101535). Besides, the positive correlation between resource rent and GDP per capita significantly depend on effective management of these natural resources. This is however, a challenge to most of the sub Saharan-African countries. Most lack effective policies to ensure effective management of these abundant resource which hence do not make a big difference between them and the resource scarce countries. The rent obtained from natural resources in sub Saharan Africa according to Asamoah, Mensah, and Bondzie (2019, p.66) do not translate into stronger economic performance and higher standard of living. To improve the impacts of the rent from the natural resources, the sub Saharan African countries ...
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