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Socio-cultural Issues and Eating Disorders
Institutional Affiliation

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Company Analysis
Saudia airline was founded in 1945. Its formation was triggered by the awarding of King
Abdul Aziz by the U.S president by then Franklin D. Roosevelt. The king was a warded a single
twin-engine DC-3 (Dakota) HZ-AAX that were assembled to form the first Saudia airbus. The
award was followed by the purchase of two more DC-3s which have undergone series of
development leading to the establishment Saudia airline, one of the world’s most celebrated
airline. Saudia currently has over 143 aircrafts operating in different aviation market in the
world. King Abdual Aziz is therefore the founder of the Saudia airline (Stilwell, 2019). Jaan
Albrecht is the current chief Executive Officer of the Saudi Arabian Airlines. Jaan has been
holding the position since 2017. Other than the traveling services offered by the company,
Saudia airline also provides various products to the customers. They include but not limited to
men’s watches, women’s watches, pens for men, jewelry, sunglasses, cosmetics, women and
men perfumers, oriental fragrance. The company also offers other in-flight services such as
Focus Strategy
Saudia airline has heavily invested in focus strategy. There has been an increase in the
adoption of generic strategies that enable firms gain competitive advantages over other
competitors in the aviation industry. Focus strategy is applied by firms who have the motives of
focusing on a specific segment of the market with the goal of increasing their market share. This
strategy finds Saudia airline so well as it enables them mainly focus in the KSA markets where it
has a larger market share compared to its major competitors such as the Egypt airline. Saudia
airlines has applied this strategy to increase its monopoly in the KSA market. There are two
types of focus strategy, focused cost leadership strategy and focused differentiation strategy. The

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Running head: SOCIO-CULTURAL ISSUES AND EATING DISORDERS Socio-cultural Issues and Eating Disorders Name Institutional Affiliation 1 SOCIO-CULTURAL ISSUES AND EATING DISORDERS 2 Company Analysis Saudia airline was founded in 1945. Its formation was triggered by the awarding of King Abdul Aziz by the U.S president by then Franklin D. Roosevelt. The king was a warded a single twin-engine DC-3 (Dakota) HZ-AAX that were assembled to form the first Saudia airbus. The award was followed by the purchase of two more DC-3s which have undergone series of development leading to the establishment Saudia airline, one of the world’s most celebrated airline. Saudia currently has over 143 aircrafts operating in different aviation market in the world. King Abdual Aziz is therefore the founder of the Saudia airline (Stilwell, 2019). Jaan Albrecht is the current chief Executive Officer of the Saud ...
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