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Globalization is the process by which business and trade or firms transit from small scale
operation to international scale or large scale operation governed by the World Trade
Organization. This proliferation tend to unify the global market into a single unit by integrating
both the local and national economies (Jaggar, 564). In sum, globalization is driven by
international trade, investment, and information leading to interaction and integration among
people, companies, and governments of different nations internationally.
Over the centuries, the government has been a significant player in the market economy in terms
of determining its participants and ensuring safety of all the players involved. Neoliberalism
theory tend to reduce the influence and control the government have over the market economy.
Neoliberalism also ensures free economy through turning public services into profit making
enterprises and abandoning social welfare responsibilities (Jaggar, 564). In a nutshell,
neoliberalism is the process of reducing state influence on the market economy through
privatization and deregulation.
In what ways does the first half of the film "The True Cost" speak to the impacts of globalization
and neoliberalism? Who is impacted and how?

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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date Globalization Globalization is the process by which business and trade or firms transit from small scale operation to international scale or large scale operation governed by the World Trade Organization. This proliferation tend to unify the global market into a single unit by integrating both the local and national economies (Jaggar, 564). In sum, globalization is driven by international trade, investment, and information leading to interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different nations internationally. Neoliberalism Ove ...
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