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Critical curriculum studies education

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Critical curriculum studies: Education, consciousness, and the politics of knowing.
Critical Reflection
Although much efforts have been put in ensuring school curriculum addresses the present
and future need of the society, a significant gap still exists. The most appropriate curriculum's
definition remains blur with scholars bringing up contentious arguments of what the best
curriculum ought to be. Modern curriculum scholars have established multiple and often
complementary ways of defining curriculum, with some suggesting that it is made up of
implicit, explicit, and null definitions (Illich, 1971). Despite the continued efforts by scholars to
define curriculum, there are significant gaps and shortcomings.
According to Roy (2018), the current definition of a curriculum completely ignored the
whole human being of the being's experience. Instead, "It has isolated a slice of the human and
trained it to exploit and be exploitable." this error has resulted in psychological and ecological
disasters throughout the world. Previously, I had not thought of a curriculum in terms of the
wholeness of a human being. Basically, I could not figure how the curriculum could relate to the
wholeness of man. Instead, I held the assumption that a curriculum was a sum of knowledge. It
is not enough to understand curriculum as a cumulative process nor as widened gaps of mental
imprints. Instead, it should be understood as an individual and world process and making the
relationship between them clear and transparent. Au (2012, defines curriculum as a "Problem of
Complex Environmental Design consisting partly of the buildup of capital investment in the
educative material." I have come to understand that curriculum is more than just diffusing
information and knowledge into learners; rather, it is a complex system that involves the
environmental design and involves humanity's wholeness.

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1 Critical Reflection Name Course Instructor’s Name Date 2 Critical curriculum studies: Education, consciousness, and the politics of knowing. Critical Reflection Although much efforts have been put in ensuring school curriculum addresses the present and future need of the society, a significant gap still exists. The most appropriate curriculum's definition remains blur with scholars bringing up contentious arguments of what the best curriculum ought to be. Modern curriculum scholars have established multiple and often complementary ways of defining curriculum, with some suggesting that it is made up of implicit, explicit, and null definitions (Illich, 1971). Despite the continued efforts by scholars to define curriculum, there are significant gaps and shortcomings. According to Roy (2018), the current definition of a curriculum completely ignored the whole human being of the being's experience. Instead, "It has isolated a slice of the human and trained it to exploit and be exploitable." this error has resulted in psychological and ecological disasters throughout the world. Previously, I had not thought of a curriculum in terms of the wholeness of a human being. Basically, I could not figure how the curriculum could relate to the wholeness of man. Instead, I held the assumption that a curriculum was a sum of knowledge. It is not enough to understand curriculum as a cumulative process nor as widened gaps of mental imprints. Instead, it should be understood as an individua ...
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