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Question 4;
It has been over four decades since the inception of the deinstitutionalization process for
the mentally ill. According to Novella (2010), deinstitutionalization is defined as a complex
process which involves reduction of beds in mental hospitals as a means of avoiding the
institutionalization of individuals with mental illness. It has resulted in an impressive
transformation in psychiatric services and has led to the establishment of community-based
models across countries such as the UK, Canada, and the United States. Deinstitutionalization is
more than just changing the locus of healthcare. It creates in us increased awareness of humanity
and the need to care for mentally ill people.
The approach aimed at transferring the mentally ill patients to community-based centers
and diverting any new admissions to locally run health care centers.enabled people with mental
health problems to live where they prefer. The policy allows patients to choose from various
options of where they can stay, namely; at home with their family, apartments belonging to s
structured support group, or alone apartments with necessary services (Novella, 2010). They
enjoy independence and do not have to suffer under-restricted and isolated environments. The
quality of life outside the institutionalized facilities is improved.

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1 Deinstitutionalization Name Course Instructor’s Name Date 2 Question 4; Abstract It has been over four decades since the inception of the deinstitutionalization process for the mentally ill. According to Novella (2010), deinstitutionalization is defined as a complex process which involves reduction of beds in mental hospitals as a means of avoiding the institutionalization of individuals with mental illness. It has resulted in an impressive transformation in psychiatric services and has led to the establishment of community-based models across countries such as the UK, Canada, and the United States. Deinstitutionalization is more than just changing the locus of healthcare. It creates in us increased awareness of humanity and the need to care for mentally ill people. “The approach aimed at transferring the mentally ill patients to community-based centers and diverting any new admissions to locally run health care centers.enabled people with mental health problems to live where they prefer.” The policy allows patients to choose from various options of where they can stay, namely; at home with their family, apartments belonging to s structured support group, or alone apartments with necessary services (Novella, 2010). They enjoy independence and do not have to suffer under-restricted and isolated environments. The quality of life outside the institutionalized facilities is improved. 3 Introduction It has been over four decades since the inception of the deinstituti ...
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