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Employment at will edited

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Employment-at-will doctrine
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Pros and Cons of Employment-at-will doctrine
The employment-at-will doctrine governs the relationship between the employer and the
employee. It tells when and how an employment contract may be terminated if the relationship
had no definite terms. Walsh (2015) argues that “where the relationship has no definite term,
either party may terminate it at any time, with or without a reason, and without liability;
provided that employer terminations are for legal reasons.”
The at-will doctrine gives workers greater flexibility in the employment contract (Walsh
2015). On the other hand, supervisors benefit from fewer restrictions and can terminate any
under-performing employee (DeNicco, 2015). This doctrine is not restricted to the collective
bargaining agreement-there are no issues of seniority and the employer can promote those who
excel and show leadership qualities.
The doctrine of employment-at-will adopts a standard agreement (every employee has a
distinct agreement with the employer and is committed to the terms), this makes them more
focused on the work rather than the employment structure (Walsh 2015). Since the employer can
terminate the agreement at will, it minimizes the threat of strike within the organization Walsh
(2015). The organization’s employees have no legal right to dispute the terms laid by the
Despite the numerous benefits, the concept of employment-at-will has several
shortcomings, these include increased costs to the employer, instability within the workforce,
and fewer opportunities to reorganize the work environment (DeNicco, 2015). The concept can
also expose employees to higher levels of stress and economic crises. Terminating the
relationship suddenly might cause trauma and leave an individual in an 'Oh no!' situation.

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1 Employment-at-will doctrine Name Course Instructor’s Name Date 2 Pros and Cons of Employment-at-will doctrine The employment-at-will doctrine governs the relationship between the employer and the employee. It tells when and how an employment contract may be terminated if the relationship had no definite terms. Walsh (2015) argues that “where the relationship has no definite term, either party may terminate it at any time, with or without a reason, and without liability; provided that employer terminations are for legal reasons.” The at-will doctrine gives workers greater flexibility in the employment contract (Walsh 2015). On the other hand, supervisors benefit from fewer restrictions and can terminate any under-performing employee (DeNicco, 2015). This doctrine is not restricted to the collective bargaining agreement-there are no issues of seniority and the employer can prom ...
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