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Euthanasia should not be legalized
Euthanasia refers to exposing patients who from incurable diseases to painless death. It is
also referred to as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Euthanasia should not be legalized.
Proponents of this medical phenomenon argue that a civilized society should allow those
suffering from incurable diseases to die in dignity
. According to them, those suffering from
irreversible ailments should be assisted to die without pain if they cannot do it on their own. The
proponents argue that our bodies are patients’ own and therefore we should not be denied the
right to do what we want with them
. Euthanasia is a crime and should be treated as such.
Euthanasia abuses the sanctity of life and the fact that life is given by God who is the only
one with the power to take it. If Euthanasia is legalized, there would be a massive violation of
the laws meant to regulate it, as a result, innocent people will die prematurely
. Euthanasia is so
incompatible with the physician's role as a healer. Legalizing euthanasia could there be a
violation of ethical practices of the medical personnel
. Legalizing Euthanasia would lead to the
killing of people who do not volunteer to die. The long-term impacts of Euthanasia are yet to be
envisaged. Its abuse of sanctity of life may lead to the death of innocent people and could violate
the ethical roles of the medical roles.

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EUTHANASIA 1 Euthanasia Name Course Instructor’s Name Date EUTHANASIA 2 Euthanasia should not be legalized Euthanasia refers to exposing patients who from incurable diseases to painless death. It is also referred to as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Euthanasia should not be legalized. Proponents of this medical phenomenon argue that a civilized society should allow those suffering from incurable diseases to die in dignity1. According to them, those suffering from irreversible ailments should be assisted to die without pain if they cannot do it on their own. The proponents argue that our bodies are patients’ own and therefore we should not be denied the right to do what we want with them1. Euthanasia is a crime and should be treated as such. Euthanasia abuses the sanctity of life and the fact that life is given by God who is the only one with the power to take it. If Euthan ...
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