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Pedagogical approaches to learning

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Research Prospectus
Instructor’s Name

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Pedagogical Approaches to learning
This study aims at evaluating the role of the Pedagogical Technology of Photovoice in
promoting Online Asynchronous Authentic Learning. In this study, we will establish the
significance of the Photovoice strategy in facilitating online teaching programs. Particularly, the
study aims at identifying how the Photovoice technology can help pre-service teachers to teach
in distance learning environments. We will take a qualitative approach and will involve a review
of the literature on the topic of study. The lack of appropriate pedagogical strategies has been a
major challenge to the online teaching exercise. The available strategies seem to lack the ability
to encourage students to engage with the key concepts critically. The study aims at addressing
ways in which Pre-service teachers can use the Photovoice strategy to enhance online teaching.
Further, we will analyze relevant literature to identify how the Photovoice strategy has been
used in the past and its significance in promoting students' participation in online learning. This
pedagogical strategy has been identified as one of the strategies that support authentic learning.
What I want to do when you done with this project
The information obtained from this study will be useful to institutions that embrace online
distance learning. The major aim of engaging online learning is to allow students to access
information and resources for their educational needs. Therefore the value of knowledge given
should be similar to that offered on face-to-face teachings. The results of this study will help
learning institutions curtail their curriculum to suit the needs of online learners. At the end of
this study, therefore, we will present our findings to learning institutions and bodies that handle
curriculum development. We will present the findings and recommendations to help in
improving the educational experience for distance learners.

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1 Research Prospectus Name Course Instructor’s Name Date 2 Pedagogical Approaches to learning This study aims at evaluating the role of the Pedagogical Technology of Photovoice in promoting Online Asynchronous Authentic Learning. In this study, we will establish the significance of the Photovoice strategy in facilitating online teaching programs. Particularly, the study aims at identifying how the Photovoice technology can help pre-service teachers to teach in distance learning environments. We will take a qualitative approach and will involve a review of the literature on the topic of study. The lack of appropriate pedagogical strategies has been a major challenge to the online teaching exercise. The available strategies seem to lack the ability to encourage students to engage with the key concepts critically. The study aims at addressing ways in which Pre-service teachers can use the Photovoice strategy to enhance online teaching. Further, we will analyze relevant literature to identify how the Photovoice strategy has been used in the past and its significance in promoting students' participation in online learning. This pedagogical strategy has been identified as one of the strategies that support authentic learning. What I want to do when you done with this project The information obtained from this study will be useful to institutions that embrace online distance learning. The major aim of engaging online learning is to allow students to access information and reso ...
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