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Platos theory of love platos symposium

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Plato’s Theory of Love; Plato’s Symposium
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Sociologically, love is an interesting phenomenon within any given society. In society, love
is understood and perceived in various ways, these include, intimacy, sexual love, parental love,
romantic love, and friendship love.
Other also perceive love as being compassionate, the
relationship between inter-species and for belongings. As an intimate relationship between
couples, love has gained significant prominence over years, legitimizing various ideologies,
institutions, and policies.
Love is interesting because it's present everywhere, and affects our
society, culture, and lives. It plays a significant role in women's emancipation which results in
marriage. About romance, love is reserved for sexual relations. Love is a powerful force
expressed either as an organizing institution, a private emotion, legitimating ideology, or a
societal glue.
Love also acts as a normative expression and a concept that helps in
understanding and interrogating modern society.
The understanding of love and its trend traverses and reflects its diverse understanding
within the society. This is because love can be studied by talking to other people, investigating
cultural representations, or by understanding the organizing and structuring principles of love.
These principles reflect how any given society understands love. Recent studies show that
society values long-term love, and even though they could not articulate it freely, it was
confirmed in them.
The study showed that many young women were willing to involve in
relationships with people they already knew or friends.
In society, love and intimacy are intersected and experienced differently by race, ethnicity,
sexuality, and gender. In some instances, love is associated with the creation of social
relationships and networks. Love does not mean the same thing across space and time. The
meaning of love changes with context. This study focuses on addressing Plato's symposium and

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Plato’s Theory of Love; Plato’s Symposium Your Name Philosophy Lecturer Date Your Last Name 1 Prospect Sociologically, love is an interesting phenomenon within any given society. In society, love is understood and perceived in various ways, these include, intimacy, sexual love, parental love, romantic love, and friendship love.1 Other also perceive love as being compassionate, the relationship between inter-species and for belongings. As an intimate relationship between couples, love has gained significant prominence over years, legitimizing various ideologies, institutions, and policies.1 Love is interesting because it's present everywhere, and affects our society, culture, and lives. It plays a significant role in women's emancipation which results in marriage. About romance, love is reserved for sexual relations. Love is a powerful force expressed either as an organizing institution, a private emotion, legitimating ideology, or a societal glue.1 Love also acts as a normative expression and a concept that helps in understanding and interrogating modern society. The understanding of love and its trend traverses and reflects its diverse understanding within the society. Thi ...
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