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Final exam essay

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Final Exam Essay
(Your name here)
(College name here)
S. Kenehan

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In our country, when those terrorists crashed jets into the towers, our government
responded. When an innocent woman is kidnapped, then raped and killed, our courts respond.
When raging fires threaten homes or lives, fire departments respond. When a child needs extra
tutoring to learn to read, a public school teacher responds. But when a woman acquires breast
cancer and cannot afford health insurance, no one responds. At the point when a man without
medical coverage shows signs of a heart attack, gets the emergency treatment required and is
released, nobody reacts to administer him. At the point when an emotional instability abruptly
strikes and leaves a man destitute and hungry nobody reacts to treat the ailment.
We need to come together in this health care movement because I believe everyone
should have a right to health care. You can deny us health care if we don’t have insurance but
when it comes to ending our own lives as far as euthanasia goes, then the law wants to step in?
Life shouldn’t be revolved around this money scheme. If someone is hurt or dying they should
get the same treatment as anyone else. How dare we sit and watch someone die or suffer because
they fell into certain circumstances and we won’t assist them because they don’t have insurance
for themselves.
In a time when thousands of people lose their health insurance every day, when health
care is becoming elusive to even well-to-do Americans, and when any person is just one pink
slip away from becoming uninsured, it becomes clear that health care for all is not just important
to achieve, but imperative (, 2010). At its root, the lack of health care for all in
America is fundamentally a moral issue (, 2010). The United States is the only
industrialized nation that does not have some form of universal health care (, 2010).
While other countries have declared health care to be a basic right, the United States treats health
care as a privilege, only available to those who can afford it (, 2010). Americans

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Running Head: FINAL EXAM ESSAY 1 Final Exam Essay (Your name here) (College name here) PHIL250 S. Kenehan 12/18/2015 FINAL EXAM ESSAY 2 In our country, when those terrorists crashed jets into the towers, our government responded. When an innocent woman is kidnapped, then raped and killed, our courts respond. When raging fires threaten homes or lives, fire departments respond. When a child needs extra tutoring to learn to read, a public school teacher responds. But when a woman acquires breast cancer and cannot afford health insurance, no one responds. At the point when a man without medical coverage shows signs of a heart attack, gets the emergency treatment required and is released, nobody reacts to administer him. At the point when an emotional instability abruptly strikes and leaves a man destitute and hungry nobody reacts to treat the ailment. We need to come together in this health care movement because I believe everyone should have a right to health care. You can deny us health care if we don’t have insurance but when it comes to ending our own lives as far as euthanasia goes, then the law wants to step in? Life shouldn’t be revolved around this money scheme. If so ...
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