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12 WRA on behalf of RMC evidence submitted iERG 2015

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EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR DISRESPECT AND ABUSE EXPERIENCED BY WOMEN DURING MATERNITY CARE Evidence and recommendations submitted to the iERG by White Ribbon Alliance on behalf of members of the Global Respectful Maternity Care Community of Concern May 15, 2015 The Overview Respectful maternity care (RMC) is a universal human right that is due to every childbearing woman in every health system around the world. In 2011, White Ribbon Alliance convened a global and multisectoral Community of Concern to launch a global campaign that would promote a clear standard for RMC rooted in international human rights. The RMC Community of Concern produced a groundbreaking consensus document, the Respectful Maternity Care Charter: the Universal Rights of Childbearing Women1 (RMC Charter), which demonstrates how fundamental human rights apply in the context of maternal health. Since its development, the RMC Charter has been used globally to talk about the problem of disrespect and abuse during maternity care. It has been used as a tool to educate health workers about maternity care and human rights, and to raise awareness of the problem in a way that avoids blaming and shaming health workers. As the Charter gained momentum, the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and the International Confederation of Midwives endorsed it. The global RMC Community of Concern is calling for iERG to make specific recommendations to governments to create an ...
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