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Dissertation For FCPS II (ANAESTHESIA) COMPARATIVE STUDY ON FREQUENCY OF CORRECT PLACEMENT OF DEVICE IN I-GEL PLUS VERSUS I-GEL IN MALE PATIENTS UNDERGOING ABDOMINAL SURGERY By Dr. Altamush Qureishy Student of FCPS II (Anaesthesia) Supervisor Prof. Dr. Shahida Khwaja (MBBS, FCPS) Professor of Anaesthesia Department Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore. i CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified that thesis is based on the results of experiments carried out by Dr. Altamush Qureishy and that it has not been previously presented for FCPS II. Dr. Altamush Qureishy has done this research work under my supervision. He has fulfilled all the requirements and is qualified to submit the accompanying dissertation for the FCPS Anaesthesia. Prof. Dr. Shahida Khwaja Professor of Anesthesia Department Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All thanks and praises to Almighty ALLAH, who enabled me to complete my work. I express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Shahida Khwaja for her encouragement and guidance to pursue my post graduate studies. Dr. Altamush Qureishy iii The Director, Research & Monitoring Cell, College of physicians & Surgeons Pakistan, 7th Central Street Phase 2 DHA, Karachi- 75500 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a research protocol titled: COMPARATIVE STUDY ON FREQUENCY OF CORRECT PLACEMENT OF DEVICE IN I-GEL PLUS VERSUS I-GEL IN MALE PATIENTS UNDERGOING ABDOMINAL SURGERY Prepared by: Dr. Altamush Qureishy as a pre-requisite for FCPS-II in Anaesthesia Su ...
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