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The professor comment for the project

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The professor comment for the project
I am starting to get questions about the evaluation project. That is good. It shows you
are working on it. Many of the questions are on format. Here is the format. Everything
should be there, it should be easy to follow and understand, and be well written when it
comes to grammar and spelling. There are very few things that have a specific format.
The one thing on evaluation will be the Logic Model. The rest should be a combination
of lists and text in paragraph format. Most people give me information in lists and
explain the information in paragraphs. Lists and bullet points are worthless unless
everyone who reads them understands what they mean and where they came from.
Under Modules there is a document titled Evaluation Summary. That is a pretty good list
of what should be included. It is missing the system evaluation which should also be
Make sure that you are applying the evaluation to your agency and program. Do not just
tell me that you would brainstorm stakeholders. Give me a list of stakeholders for your
program and tell me how you came up with them and ranked them.

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The professor comment for the project I am starting to get questions about the evaluation project. That is good. It shows you are working on it. Many of the questions are on format. Here is the format. Everything should be there, it should be easy to follow and understand, and be well written when i ...
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