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12 02 2018

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3. Symbolic dimension Fear
Kaplan- (168) - “there were several fears merging together to form these monsters” truly depicts
the psychological nature of monsters. Monsters can here be claimed to be Psychological
perceptions of fears which occupy the human mind. In other words, the monsters symbolize the
fears which a human mind has, somewhere in the subconscious. Once these individual fears sum
up together, they take the form of a fearful state of the human mind, which is perceived as a
monster. This is in fact the psychological basis and explanation for all monstrous figures
perceived by the mind. Fears develop as life progresses; they may be fear of things, fear of
people, fear of animals or fear of situation. These individual fears keep nurturing in the mind of a
person and as they sum up or “merge together” in the words of Kaplan, they take the form of
monsters. Fears have several forms, so have the monsters. Every person has his own fantasy of a
monster which depends a lot upon the nature of fears they have.

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3. Symbolic dimension – Fear Kaplan- (168) - “there were several fears merging together to form these monsters” truly depicts the psychological nature of monsters. Monsters can here be claimed to be Psychological perceptions of fears which occupy the human mind. In other words, the monsters sy ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.
