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23 02 2018

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The vampire’s appeal to women…..
Throughout the literature, a lot has been discussed on the appeal women have for vampires.
Melton (p.206) states that “the women have to want to make love with Count Dracula. And he
must want to make love to them as a man loves a woman…not as a vampire goes after blood.
The things that go on between Dracula and his women must be the result of her needs as well as
his. Something is calling her, and it’s not fangs or his wolf eyes”. On the other hand, Backstein
(p.212) asserts “But the complex qualities of the here-his mix of sex and sensibility-is not the
only reason women seem to have such an insatiable appetite for vampires today; another
attraction may be the point of view these texts adopt. They are female-centered narratives that
strive for audience identification with the heroine-with her strength, her extra-ordinary
capabilities, her status as an object o0f desire, or a combination of all these traits. She is the
focus of the story, whether she’s narrating it…”
I wholeheartedly endorse what Backstein calls “female-centered narratives”. These narratives
indeed cater to the active and dominant role of the females who are no more the passive
characters as described by Melton. Melton has asserted plurality in describing one Dracula being
the center of attention having a lot of female followers which in my opinion has been
transitioned into a singular more power full female character as described by Backstein.

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The vampire’s appeal to women….. Throughout the literature, a lot has been discussed on the appeal women have for vampires. Melton (p.206) states that “the women have to want to make love with Count Dracula. And he must want to make love to them as a man loves a woman…not as a vampire goes a ...
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