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I think something easier to find information about is EMS personnel exposure to opioids

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I think something easier to find information about is EMS personnel exposure to
opioids. Specifically fentanyl because it’s been in the spotlight. Increasing potency of a drug
and the manner in which it’s handled can be deadly. You see a lot of ems providers being
exposed to drugs and nearly overdosing. This is becoming more prevalent with fentanyl
because of the drug forms.
Must be phrased so that we are not addressing the opioid problem with overdoses within the
population. We have to talk about, specifically, the issue with ems personnel responding to
and being exposed to these drugs.
Key points:
Background of drugs
Types of drugs - emphasis on fentanyl
Forms of drugs - powder / liquids / pills / patches
Common exposures
Rate of exposures - statistics and data:
Ways to avoid exposures
Treating drug related calls as hazmat situations?
Basic ppe is not enough
Gloves only cover hands and most of the time that’s all ems providers use.
Gowns, eye and airway protection - respirators.
Remove and clean any uniform.
Nitrile, single-use examination gloves.
Immediate skin washing with water and soap.

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I think something easier to find information about is EMS personnel exposure to opioids. Specifically fentanyl because it’s been in the spotlight. Increasing potency of a drug and the manner in which it’s handled can be deadly. You see a lot of ems providers being exposed to drugs and nearly overdosing. This is becoming more prevalent with fentanyl because of the drug forms. Must be phrased so that we are not addressing the opioid problem with overdoses within the population. We have to talk about, specifically, the issue with ems personnel responding to and being exposed to these drugs. ...
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