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16 02 2018

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How do monsters reflect their times?
Monsters have been thought to be of ancestral origin to mankind or human species in the older
times. This means that monsters were thought to be some predecessor form of humans in the old
times. This is in part due to the belief that evolution has allowed the monsters to evolve into
humans in a way which is genetically acceptable and plausible and they can be considered to be
either fathers or mothers of the present day humans.
“The monsters of the archaic civilizations are both the predecessors and the progenitors of
modern humans and thus are closely related” (Asma 148). Asma implies that in the older
civilizations, it was believed that monsters evolved into humans and so were closely related to
them. They were in fact the entities from which the modern human evolved. In my opinion, this
notion is partly acceptable as humans and monsters share many traits with each other. The notion
is equally plausible as that of human evolving from dinosaurs. Monsters, owing to their huge and
enormous size can be compared to the dinosaurs of the older eras which are believed by many to
evolve into human beings of the present day. Another similarity is the emotionality attached with
the monsters. Humans possess emotions, those of fear, terror as well. Similarly, the monsters are
associated with the emotions of horror and terror which is quite a humanly attribute.
“Owing to their implacable hatred toward their human offspring, the monsters provoke the first
generational conflicts on record” (Asma 148). Asma implies that monsters have a hatred for their
human offspring, which in my opinion is due to the change of form they experienced while
evolving from monsters into humans. It is therefore that monsters come in the wildest
imagination of human beings and terrify them. The first generation of humans had a lot of

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How do monsters reflect their times? Monsters have been thought to be of ancestral origin to mankind or human species in the older times. This means that monsters were thought to be some predecessor form of humans in the old times. This is in part due to the belief that evolution has allowed the monsters to evolve into humans in a way which is genetically acceptable and plausible and they can be considered to be either fathers or mothers of the present day humans. “The monsters of the archaic civilizations are both the predecessors and the progenitors of modern humans and thus are closely re ...
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