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Assignment 8

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Personalized Medicine: As we discuss how genetic differences based on DNA changes can
have major phenotypic effects on organisms, you might wonder how this knowledge can be used
in biotechnology to benefit society. One particular use that is becoming more and more common
is using individual genome sequencing to better treat elusive diseases such as cancers.
Although there are numerous cases of each cancer type that are diagnosed each year, those
cancers are typically quite varied in their genetic origin and overall cellular mechanism of
growth and survival. This is primarily due to the randomness of the mutations caused by
environmental factors that we are learning about in Ch. 14. The high level of variation in these
diseases makes treatment difficult, as the common drugs do not work for all diseases.
Local hospitals including Sanford and Avera in Sioux Falls, SD are beginning genomic
sequencing of cancer patients to identify the mutation(s) behind the disease, which is an
important step in determining the proper treatment (remember,
For our Discussion topic this week,
Read the Special Topics section in the back of your textbook on the "Genomics and
Personalized Medicine," found on page 497-506.
For our discussion this week, include the following in your initial post:
What you knew about other types of personalized medicine before reading this section
What questions you had while reading this section
One cool thing you learned about personalized medicine
Answers to questions 1-4 of the “Discussion Questions” section on page 506
1. In this chapter, we present three case studies that use persona- lized genomics analysis to predict and
treat diseases. Although these cases have shown how personalized medicine may evolve in the future,
they have triggered controversy. What are some objections to these types of studies, and how can these
objec- tions be addressed?
2. What are the biggest challenges that must be overcome before per- sonalized medicine becomes a
routine component of medical care? What do you think is the most difficult of these challenges and
3. How can we ensure that a patient’s privacy is maintained as genome information accumulates within
medical records? How would you feel about allowing your genome sequence to be available for use in
4. As gene tests and genomic sequences become more commonplace, how can we prevent the
emergence of “genetic discrimination” in employment and medical insurance?

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Personalized Medicine: As we discuss how genetic differences based on DNA changes can have major phenotypic effects on organisms, you might wonder how this knowledge can be used in biotechnology to benefit society. One particular use that is becoming more and more common is using individual genome s ...
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