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Name: Ariz Siddiqui
DOB: 18
May 2015
To whom it may concern
It is stated that Ariz Siddiqui born on 18.05.2015 is a suffering from
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and meets the DSM-V criteria for
the same. I have thoroughly read the recommendations of Dr.
Muhammad Ali Khan and Dr. Sanjay Bhatia and I second their
recommendation that the best place for treatment for Ariz Siddiqui is
Canada having the most advanced treatment facilities with respect to
Pakistan being a developing nation has a poor infrastructure for the
treatment of congenital disorders like ASD. The specific behavioral
therapies advised for treating an autistic child are not only scanty, but
also quite expensive where they are available. Being a poor nation the
maternal and child health outcomes in Pakistan are quite dismal as
Keeping in view the situation, it is of utmost importance that the
patient be treated in Canada and continues to receive his immediate
family’s support throughout the course of his treatment. The child
being shifted to Pakistan will have severe risks to his mental health
keeping in view the dismal state of affairs of autism treatment in
Pakistan and it is recommended that he receives care in Canada along
with the physical support of his parents.

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Name: Ariz Siddiqui DOB: 18Th May 2015 To whom it may concern It is stated that Ariz Siddiqui born on 18.05.2015 is a suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and meets the DSM-V criteria for the same. I have thoroughly read the recommendations of Dr. Muhammad Ali Khan and Dr. Sanjay Bhatia and ...
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