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1. What is the sociological imagination? How does it affect your life?
Sociological imagination is the ability to appreciate the structural basis for individual
problems (p.10). By structural basis, the factors within a community or a society which
contribute to the emergence of social problems or issues. Therefore sociological
imagination links the individual issues and problems to the basis for them present in the
community or the society.
In my case, I often apply sociological imagination to my behaviors and social problems. I
attribute my road rage to the deranged traffic situation in my area.
2. What is the sociological perspective?
The sociological perspective (p.4) is the opinion that the social backgrounds of people
impact their attitudes, behaviors, and chances in life. In this connection, it is implied that
we people not merely individuals rather they are social entities fully embedded in society
in which they exist. Though no two people are the same and they cry from each other in a
lot of ways, though they may have common social backgrounds like gender, race and
ethnicity, and social class. These shared qualities make the people more alike than they
would otherwise have been.

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3. What does it mean to say things are socially constructed?
This implies that several behaviors, traits and attributed have a social basis and they
appear the way they are because of the social determinants for them. For example, the
sociologists identify that emotions are socially constructed, as they stem from the roles
we play and the situations in which we find ourselves (p.170)
4. Briefly summarize functional theory, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism and
exchange theory.
The functional theory (p.111) assumes the status quo is generally good and sudden social
change is undesirable, conflict theory assumes the status quo is generally bad. It thus
views sudden social change in the form of protest or revolution as both desirable and
necessary to reduce or eliminate social inequality and to address other social ills
The conflict theory (p.21) emphasizes that different groups in society have different
interests stemming from their different social positions. These different interests in turn
lead to different views on important social issues.
Symbolic interactionism is a micro approach (p.22) that focuses on the interaction of
individuals and on how they interpret their interaction.

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1. What is the sociological imagination? How does it affect your life? Sociological imagination is the ability to appreciate the structural basis for individual problems (p.10). By structural basis, the factors within a community or a society which contribute to the emergence of social problems or issues. Therefore sociological imagination links the individual issues and problems to the basis for them present in the community or the society. In my case, I often apply sociological imagination to my behaviors and social problems. I attribute my road rage to the deranged traffic situation in my area. 2. What is the sociological perspective? The sociological perspective (p.4) is the opinion that the social backgrounds of people impact their attitudes, behaviors, and chances in life. In this connection, it is implied that we people not merely individuals rather they are social entities ful ...
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