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You will design a complete program evaluation for an agency of your choice. It should include
all evaluation instruments and results based on your best WAG. This should follow the CDC
Framework for evaluation .
we chose Utah Olympic Park Freestyle Aerial Pool so our program evaluation for an agency is
going to be about Utah Olympic Park
Freestyle Aerial Pool .
1. there is the syllabus for the course so please read it to get some idea about the course
2. there is a filed called Evaluation Summary, We need to answer the questions for the program
3. there is the professor comment for the project
4. there is a filed called Planning Model we need to answer the questions for our program
5. there is a filed called Framework for program Evaluation in Public Health read it for more information
6. there is my friend example PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not copy any information from it JUST take some idea about the Program
7. Finally interviewed Medical Manager his name is Chad Deavers please go
and look at his information in filed called Utah Olympic Park Freestyle Aerial Pool
it’s evaluation project about search and rescue helicopter
and it’s group u don’t have to do all the project
Can you do the Engage Stakeholders, and the
Describe program and Focus Evaluation by next Tuesday

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You will design a complete program evaluation for an agency of your choice. It should include all evaluation instruments and results based on your best WAG. This should follow the CDC Framework for evaluation . we chose Utah Olympic Park Freestyle Aerial Pool so our program evaluation for an agency ...
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