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09 02 2018

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1. Cullen describes situations in which she was both successful and unsuccessful in acting
as an ally. What circumstances led to actions producing positive or negative outcomes.
One of the circumstances in which Cullen acted as an ally with a negative outcome for herself
was that while acting as the facilitator of a seminar, in one instance, a white man was employing
an explain away with a woman of color, trying to convince her that an experience she was
describing had nothing to do with her racial identity, leading the woman of color having to
defend and legitimize her own experience. As the seminar facilitator, Cullen failed to intervene
which left a negative impact on some of the people of color. She wanted to explain away what
she had done so that he would cut her some slack. Yet that would have made an already bad
situation worse. So she merely sat there, wishing it were all over so that she could return to the
safety of her hotel room. The positive outcome for Cullen was that she realized that immediate
action should be taken to break the cycle of bigotry and ignorance.
2. Do you agree with the effectiveness of Cullen's B.A.R. approach? Why or why not?
Which step of the B.A.R. approach might be most challenging for you to utilize?
I fully agree with Cullen’s B.A.R. approach. I think in most of our life circumstances, we follow
the R.A.B. approach as told by Cullen. That is, we react on listening to something controversial
or stressful; we attack out of rage or frustration and then when we are exhausted we breathe. But
at that time, we are unable to reverse the damage we have already made to ourselves and others.
This is very frequent with me as well. However, if we adopt the B.A.R approach, we may avert
the damage we always regret afterwards. In my opinion, I find the 2
acknowledgement step of
the approach most difficult. As sometimes I am so much enraged that I find it difficult to
acknowledge others even after having deep breaths.

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1. Cullen describes situations in which she was both successful and unsuccessful in acting as an ally. What circumstances led to actions producing positive or negative outcomes. One of the circumstances in which Cullen acted as an ally with a negative outcome for herself was that while acting as the facilitator of a seminar, in one instance, a white man was employing an explain away with a woman of color, trying to convince her that an experience she was describing had nothing to do with her racial identity, leading the woman of color having to defend and legitimize her own experience. As the ...
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