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Nursing Assignment no 2

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Mindmap: Scenario 1
Acute Pharyngitis
An estimated 616 million cases of GABHS pharyngitis occur annually worldwide (Carapetis et
al, 2005).
Acute pharyngitis accounts for approximately 12 million annual ambulatory care visits in the
United States (Schapperet & Rechtsteiner, 2008).
Acute Pharyngitis, which is an inflammation of the throat and is often called sore throat. In acute
pharyngitis, the pharynx is inflamed due to bacterial, viral or fungal infections. Colonization of
these organisms in the region of throat leads to inflammation of the throat, hence redness,
congestion and edema and swelling of the region which were observed in the case of throat
examination of Jennifer. The most common organism implicated in the pathophysiology of sore
throat or pharyngitis is the streptococcus, a bacterium and the condition is known as
streptococcal sore throat. Diffuse exudates as a result of inflammation are seen on examination
(Acute Pharyngitis, 2018).
Risk Factors
1. Cold and flu seasons
2. Having close contact to people having sore throat or cold symptoms
3. Smoking and passive smoking

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4. Recurrent sinus infections and sinusitis.
5. Various form of allergies
Clinical presentation
Clinically, acute pharyngitis presents as:
1. Fever
2. Chills
3. Throat stuffiness
4. Inability to swallow or difficulty in swallowing
5. Painful lymph nodes in the neck area.
Diagnosis is often clinical, made by a thorough examination of the throat.
The following findings are seen:
1. Erythema (redness) of the throat
2. Palpable and often tender cervical lymph nodes
3. Fever , often high grade
4. Inflammatory exudates on the throat
Confirmed diagnosis:
A confirmed diagnosis is made by obtaining a throat swab and performing culture and
sensitivity in the laboratory settings to identify the infecting organism and instituting the
appropriate antibiotic treatment.

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Mindmap: Scenario 1 Acute Pharyngitis Epidemiology An estimated 616 million cases of GABHS pharyngitis occur annually worldwide (Carapetis et al, 2005). Acute pharyngitis accounts for approximately 12 million annual ambulatory care visits in the United States (Schapperet & Rechtsteiner, 2008). Pathophysiology Acute Pharyngitis, which is an inflammation of the throat and is often called sore throat. In acute pharyngitis, the pharynx is inflamed due to bacterial, viral or fungal infections. Colonization of these organisms in the region of throat leads to inflammation of the throat, hence redness, congestion and edema and swelling of the region which were observed in the case of throat examination of Jennifer. The most common organism implicated in the pathophysiology of sore throat or pharyngitis is the streptococcus, a bacterium and the condition is known as streptococcal sore throat. Dif ...
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