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Assignment1 Interpersonal Communication

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I have been asked by my cousin to babysit her twin children Hunk and Hope while she goes to
the store to do some shopping for the kid’s recital scheduled for the next day. While baby siting
the twins, some neighbor rings the door bell and I have to go to the door to attend, finding out the
neighbor was there to return some tool he borrowed. On coming back, I hear a bump and find out
that the children had thrown over their costumes lying in the kitchen and thrown cupcakes over
them while the house dogs lick the cake icing lining the costumes. Both of the children present
their own side of the story in which they blame each other for the wrong-doing done. My cousin
shall be home anytime soon and I shall need to explain to her what happened. I also need to
decide what I am going to do next. Using the four stages of the perception process which are
Selection, Organization, Interpretation and Negotiation (, 2018), I shall identify
the process I would follow with Hank and Hope to determine which of the stories are true or
whether something else happened entirely.
1. Stage 1: Selection
This is the first step of the perception process. In this step, the factors which lead me to notice
some messages and ignore others were identified. These factors are the following
i. Intense stimuli that attract my attentions
My attention shall be drawn to Hunk’s frightened and depressed and fearful state in
analyzing the situation.
ii. My emotional state which affected my ability to detect other’s emotional state:

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Since I was in an upset mood due to the loss done by the children, I was attracted by
the emotional state of Hank as he was frightened and depressed. I, in this scenario
will pay specific attention to Hunk’s perspective.
2. Stage 2: Organization
After selecting information as in step one, I will proceed to step two which is organization of this
information into a meaningful order. Four constructs employed shall be the following:
Physical constructs
I will classify the children in the scenario by their physical attributes. I will see whose clothes
have signs of aggression or who has a specific guilt grin on their face.
Role constructs
I will examine and organize the roles of the children in view of the scenario.
Interaction constructs
I will examine the way both the children are interacting with me. In this scenario, Hank is
frightened and hiding away while narrating his point of view. On the other hand Hope is looking
straight into my eyes while narrating her point of view.
Psychological constructs
I will specifically focus on the psychological nature of both the children. In this case, Hank is an
introvert while Hope is an extrovert.

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I have been asked by my cousin to babysit her twin children Hunk and Hope while she goes to the store to do some shopping for the kid’s recital scheduled for the next day. While baby siting the twins, some neighbor rings the door bell and I have to go to the door to attend, finding out the neighbor was there to return some tool he borrowed. On coming back, I hear a bump and find out that the children had thrown over their costumes lying in the kitchen and thrown cupcakes over them while the house dogs lick the cake icing lining the costumes. Both of the children present their own side of the story in which they blame each other for the wrong-doing done. My cousin shall be home anytime soon and I shall need to explain to her what happened. I also need to decide what I am going to do next. Using the four stages of the perception process which are Selection, Organization, Interpretation and Negotiation (, 2018), I shall identify the process I would follow with Hank and Hope to determine which of the stories are true or whether something else happened entirely. 1. Stage 1: Selection This is the first step of the perception process. In this step, the factors which lea ...
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