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I have organized all the works which are due:
1. Sattam Planning project Due date 20.04.2018
2. Sattam Health Administration Assignment no. 4 Due 10.04.218
3. Paramedic program EMS Evaluation project has been done by me and Planning project is
due on 20.04.2018 probably.
Group Identified: Arab Americans
Introduction and thesis
Different racial and ethnic groups have different requirements for healthcare depending upon
their health beliefs, Health cultures and the specific health traditions they are accustomed to. As
such specific cultural competencies must be exercised for looking after their healthcare
requirements. Some groups with greater amalgamation into the American culture are easier to
look after while those having the least amalgamation with the American Culture are the most
difficult ones.
Group Identified as difficult:
The group identified as most difficult one in dealing with reference to healthcare provision is
Arab Americans.
Reasons for difficulties
In my opinion, the vast cultural, religious and social differences between the American Society
and the Arab group are the major reason for this group being very difficult to deal with. There is
a very vast language difference and barrier in this group. Arab people speak Arabic while they
have little understanding of the English or any of the other languages most of the healthcare
providers in America are familiar with. Although, the Arab migration into the US dates back to
the 19
Century, still significant language barrier exist even in the third or fourth generation of
the Arabs inhabiting US today.
Barriers faced by the group in access to equitable Healthcare in US
The barriers faced by this group ion access to equitable healthcare in US are as follows:
1. Stereotyping of the group as being terrorist. In the wake of 9/11 terrorism incident in the
United States with probable Arab involvement, the group is identified as a terrorist one
and is probably prejudiced for the same by the American society.
2. Language Barrier: Most of the Arabs possess poor proficiency in English language and
almost all of the healthcare providers have absolutely zero proficiency in the Arabic

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language which poses a language barrier leading to inequitable access to healthcare for
3. Violation of Beliefs: The American culture is in sheer violation of the Arab beliefs
regarding family values, communication mannerisms and gender roles differences. As
such, this is a huge barrier to the access to equitable healthcare by the Arabs in United
4. Misunderstanding of Religious Beliefs: Arab’s religious beliefs are quite a hurdle in
gaining access to the modern evidence based medicine and healthcare practices in vogue
in the United States. Arab beliefs center of God and seeking help from God in times of
disease and adversity, thereby excluding them from the traditional evidence based
medicine practices in the US.
5. Lack of Cultural competencies required to deal with health of Arabs: Poor understanding
of the Arab beliefs, traditions and cultures results in poor cultural competency of the US
healthcare providers in gaining access to the management of healthcare problems of the
American Arabs.
Specific Actions to ensure Equitable Health for Arab Americans
1. Improving cultural competencies of Healthcare providers dealing with Arab groups
2. Health Education for the Arabs to impart awareness about evidence based medicine and
its outcomes
3. Increasing education level of the Arabs
4. Improving English language proficiency of Arabs
5. Arab community mobilization and incentives to join healthcare as professionals, for
increased community involvement and acceptance of US health system.
Keeping in mind the above mentioned barriers in the receipt of equitable access to healthcare in
US, it has been considered the most important group to deal with. However, if the steps
mentioned above are employed, equitable access to the group can be ensured.
Abraham, N. Anti-Arab racism and violence in the United States. in: E.N. McCarus (Ed.) The
Development of Arab-American Identity. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor,
MI; 1994:155214.
Williams, D.R., Mohammed, S.A. Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence
and needed research. J Behav Med. 2016;32:2047

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I have organized all the works which are due: 1. Sattam Planning project Due date 20.04.2018 2. Sattam Health Administration Assignment no. 4 Due 10.04.218 3. Paramedic program EMS Evaluation project has been done by me and Planning project is due on 20.04.2018 probably. Group Identified: Arab Americans Introduction and thesis Different racial and ethnic groups have different requirements for healthcare depending upon their health beliefs, Health cultures and the specific health traditions they are accustomed to. As such specific cultural competencies must be exercised for looking after their healthcare requirements. Some groups with greater amalgamation into the American culture are easier to look after while those having the least amalgamation with the American Culture are the most difficult ones. Group Identified as difficult: The group identified as most difficult one in dealing wit ...
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