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Before reading this section about GMOs, I thought that they were mostly a positive thing as they allow
farmers to increase production levels, thereby increasing the world's food supply. Being raised on my
family's farm, I see the positive side of GMOs. I knew that there was a lot of controversy surrounding GMOs
before reading this section.
Questions I had while reading this section include: Why does it seem like controversies surrounding GMOs
are still escalating, despite GMOs existing since 1994? Is it really necessary to increase the size of salmon,
are there as many benefits to doing this as genetically modifying crops?
I thought it was interesting that the first genetically modified food variety approved for sale was the tomato!
I also didn't realize that GMOs have been around since 1994.
After reading this section, I think GMOs have more positives than negatives. There are people that are
starving, and our population is increasing, so we need the increased productivity that GMOs provide! I
understand the controversies, but believe that there are more positives than negatives. I think time will tell
how this debate will unfold, but no adverse side effects have been shown so far.
Genetically Modified Organisms are a very interesting topic today. On one side, they are essential for
keeping up to the increased demands of the world for food, as population keeps increasing day by day. On
the other hand, there are some hazards associated with their consumption. Greater understanding into their
pros and cons is still required before an opinion is made.
2. Before reading this section I knew that GMOs were a very hot topic with a variety of different opinions
on both sides. I knew that there were some very strong opinions again GMOs and that this usually
stemmed from the idea that it is wrong to change the composition of foods and it makes it “unnatural”. On
the other side I see a lot of people in our state that advocate for GMOs and how they can benefit farmers
and serving the growing population as a whole. Some questions I had while reading this section were:
What type of negative affects do GMOs have on the human body? If certain genetically modified plants
start to become resistant to these modifications? Can we just keep continuing to modify the plants more
and more? One cool thing I learned about GMOs is the creation of Golden rice and Golden rice two.
Honestly, I had previously thought of GMOs with a negative connotation so the fact that a rice like this
can be modified and it can help those in poor countries get adequate amounts of Vitamin A. This is an
amazing way to help these countries with their health problems. After reading about GMOs, I do not think
of them in such a negative connotation. I still feel like there are certain concerns with modifying a natural
food, but overall if research proves that it does not negative affect humans or animals then I think that it is
ok to continue
Although there are both advantages and disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms, one thing
which can be said about them is that, since the genetically modified organisms are a research product,
the true evidence regarding their use shall come in the days to follow as greater body of knowledge
accumulates about their proven hazards.

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1. Before reading this section about GMOs, I thought that they were mostly a positive thing as they allow farmers to increase production levels, thereby increasing the world's food supply. Being raised on my family's farm, I see the positive side of GMOs. I knew that there was a lot of controversy s ...
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