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I really knew nothing about gene therapy before reading about it in our textbook. Some
questions I had while reading about gene therapy were the following. If gene therapy becomes a
social norm to cure diseases such as cancer, will it be available to everyone? Will it be
affordable? How many vectors have been tested to ensure only the safest are used? The text
mentioned gene therapy took a turn for the worst when teenager Jesse Gelsinger passed away
due to complications after large numbers of adenovirus vectors were injected into his hepatic
artery causing a severe immune reaction. Are the health risks with gene therapy worth the
risk? One cool thing I learned about gene therapy is how the human immunodeficiency virus is
used as a vector for gene therapy. I would have never imagined HIV would be used for
something like gene therapy. This was impressive to read about! Cystic fibrosis would be a
good target for gene therapy because it’s a single gene disorder because the affected gene is
known and the target tissue, the lung can be accessed for treatment.
1. Some challenges scientists face is with gene delivery and activation. The therapy will
only work if a normal gene is delivered to many cells and is activated once
introduced. Another is the body’s immune response due to the vector selected and the
possible disruption of important genes in target cells.
2. Anyone prone to an illness caused by a disease that can be identified. Criteria usually
looked at are if the disease is identified and the gene can be cloned in laboratory
generally by treating a single gene. I don’t believe gene therapy should be used for
cosmetic purposes or to improve athletic performance.
3. Some challenges associated with gene therapy are the following, knowing the proper
routes for gene delivery for different types of disorders. Knowing the amount cells in an
organ or tissue need to express in order to alleviate the effects of a genetic disorder. How
much therapeutic gene product must be produced to provide lasting improvement of the
condition. As well as determining if gene therapy can treat diseases involving multiple
genes. Some ethical issues are the routes from which gene therapy can be
performed. There are currently two methods that are not approved due to ethical reasons,
germ-line therapy and enhancement gene therapy. Cost is another issue that hasn’t been
determined yet and will pose the question of what is the right price for a cure? As stated
in our book.
Gene therapy is surely a break-through medical science witnessed in the 21
century. Gene
therapy is the answer to those diseases which were previously considered untreatable and for

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I really knew nothing about gene therapy before reading about it in our textbook. Some questions I had while reading about gene therapy were the following. If gene therapy becomes a social norm to cure diseases such as cancer, will it be available to everyone? Will it be affordable? How many vectors have been tested to ensure only the safest are used? The text mentioned gene therapy took a turn for the worst when teenager Jesse Gelsinger passed away due to complications after large numbers of adenovirus vectors were injected into his hepatic artery causing a severe immune reaction. Are the hea ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.


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