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Revised Case Study

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Case study #4
1) Name 5 potential ethical dilemmas and how the EMS professional handled
Limiting Resuscitation Efforts
This is an ethical dilemma in which the family, relatives or the patient make requests or
direct the EMS professional on how to offer treatment services. In this case, the EMS
respected the patient’s wishes of not letting out her cats since they were vital to her as
the only companions. The EMS did not consider the patient’s cultural criticism but
offered treatment carefully and in a friendly manner without any prejudice.
Informed Consent
With truly informed consent, the patient's decision should be based on the risks and
benefits associated with the choice. In typical prehistoric setting, it is difficult to achieve
an ideal informed consent. In this case, the patient defied the EMS’ medical advice of
avoiding alcohol abuse without understanding the associated risks to her pancreas
issues. The EMS did not give up offering treatment services and pieces of advice to the
Dealing with difficult patients
Difficult patients include those who are stressed or intoxicated by drugs to a level of
showing mental disorder. Concerning this case, the patient was anxious, and her
behavior suggested the possibility of mental illness. There is a dilemma in dealing with
such patients as physical conditions may be mistaken as mental derangements. The

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EMS acted professionally and assured the patient that there was nothing to be sorry.
They promised to offer treatment exhaustively.
The duty of providing Care
It is an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers to decide on whether to provide care for
stubborn patients who cannot follow their instructions or neglect. Professionally, it is
their responsibility to offer their services regardless of the patient's care. In this case,
the EMS did not trust the patient about her ailment after defying medical directions.
However, they did not practice any unethical procedures. The last EMS provider did not
confront the patient and accuse her of feigning the illness.
Confidentiality is a universal ethical issue that is mostly violated through communication
between the EMS and the patient or with the relatives. Maintaining confidentiality
establishes trust among the EMS and the patients. In this case, the EMS kept the
information about the behavior of the patient. They did not disclose to the public about
how the patient was abusing alcohol against their advice in the interest of upholding
2) Name 5 patient rights the EMS professional ensured occurred and explain
The right to access medical records

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Case study #4 1) Name 5 potential ethical dilemmas and how the EMS professional handled them? Limiting Resuscitation Efforts This is an ethical dilemma in which the family, relatives or the patient make requests or direct the EMS professional on how to offer treatment services. In this case, the EMS respected the patient’s wishes of not letting out her cats since they were vital to her as the only companions. The EMS did not consider the patient’s cultural criticism but offered treatment carefully and in a friendly manner without any prejudice. Informed Consent With truly informed consent, the patient's decision should be based on the risks and benefits associated with the choice. In typical prehistoric setting, it is difficult to achieve an ideal informed consent. In this case, the patient defied the EMS’ medical advice of avoiding alcohol abuse without understanding the associated risks to her pancreas issues. The EMS did not give up offering treatment services and pieces of advice to the patient. Dealing with difficult patients Difficult patients include those who are stressed or intoxicated by drugs to a level of showing mental disorder. Concerning this case, the patient was anxious, and her behavior suggested the possibility of mental illness. There is a dilemma in dealing with such patients as physical conditions may be mistaken as mental derangements. The EMS acted professionally and assured the patient that there was nothing to be sorry. They promised to offer ...
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