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Program Planning Assignment

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Program Behavior Hypothesis
The program behavior hypothesis is identified as a part of the planning of the behavior
change program.
The program behavior hypothesis is expressed in two parts. First, it is expressed in the
Short form and then it will be explained in the detail in the long form in order to guide the
individual program
The short program behavior hypothesis is expressed as follows:
“Change your thinking”
The program long hypothesis is detailed as follows,
To bring about any behavioral change, it is essential to lay down a hypothesis for the
program leading to the behavioral change. The identified short hypothesis for the program is
“change your thinking”. Based on the short hypothesis, it is hypothesized that in order to bring
about a change in the behavior, it is essential to change the way of thinking.
For example, in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is important to change one’s
behavior. The behavioral change is guided by a change in thinking. It is one’s own thinking
process which leads to adoption of unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy habits. Therefore, the first
step towards adopting a healthy lifestyle is changing one’s thinking, and challenging the
thoughts, beliefs and behaviors which lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

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Program Causal Pathway
The program causal pathway consists of the steps which have been identified as
necessary to reach the ultimate goal are sufficient, the following steps are needed to be taken to
make the change happen:
1. Identifying the goal.
2. Start planning for the goal to be achieved
3. Defining a healthy and an unhealthy lifestyle
4. Scrutinize one’s thinking about what exactly a healthy lifestyle is
5. Identifying the thoughts which make up towards an unhealthy lifestyle
6. Identifying the beliefs which make up towards an unhealthy lifestyle
7. Classifying all the lifestyle related thoughts and beliefs as being negative or positive
8. Challenging the negative thoughts and beliefs
9. Based upon the thoughts and beliefs identified in step 8, changing the negative beleifs
and negative thoughts
10. Adopting new and positive thoughts and beliefs.

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PROGRAM PLANNING ASSIGNMENT Program Behavior Hypothesis The program behavior hypothesis is identified as a part of the planning of the behavior change program. The program behavior hypothesis is expressed in two parts. First, it is expressed in the Short form and then it will be explained in the detail in the long form in order to guide the individual program The short program behavior hypothesis is expressed as follows: “Change your thinking” The program long hypothesis is detailed as follows, To bring about any behavioral change, it is essential to lay down a hypothesis for the program leading to the behavioral change. The identified short hypothesis for the program is “change your thinking”. Based on the short hypothesis, it is hypothesized that in order to bring about a change in the behavior, it is essential to change the way of thinking. For example, in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is important to change one’s behavior. The behavioral change is guided by a change in thinking. It is one’s own thinking process which leads to adoption of unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy habits. Therefore, the first step towards adopting a healthy lifestyle is changing one’s thinking, and challenging the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors which lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Program Causal Pathway The program causal pathway consists of the steps which have been identified as necessary to reach the ultimate goal are sufficient, the following steps are needed to be ...
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