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Revision1 My Rhetoric Journey

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ENG 101
Rhetorical Analysis
My rhetoric journey
Everyone has an aim in life. Some want to become doctors, other engineers, pilots, accountants
or lawyers. The list continues. These interests develop innate or may be acquired with the
passage of time. Sometimes, some critical life events take one to a specific position or towards a
passion for that position. Even if one is pre-disposed to a certain profession, there is a point
where this predisposition converts into passion and this the point from where-on, the journey
becomes interesting and enriching. The paragraphs to follow are a narrative of how my interest
in literacy development shaped from one of the experiences I had in my academic life and how
this experience helped in shaping my passion towards mastering my rhetorical skills to an expert
level and the role played by my family, teachers and peers in the entire situation.
It happened on one fine day that one of our science teachers in school asked us to give
presentations on a topic he allocated randomly among all my class fellows. I was given the topic
of the digestive system of human beings which I had to present to the class.

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Our class had twenty five pupils nearly having as many boys as girls. This was indeed the first
time I was given an opportunity to make a presentation to an audience which I considered quite
friendly. We were given one week to prepare our respective topics and I still remember it was
Monday when the science teacher wanted us all to present our topics one by one. I was quite
good in all subjects I was studying especially in the case of science, so the first thought which
came to my mind was that the presentation shall be a piece of cake for me. I started preparing the
content the very next day I was allotted my topic and it seemed that I already had a mastery of all
the concepts and technical facts required for the presentation. Preparation of slides and materials
for the presentation also went flawlessly and within a matter of two days, I was done preparing a
concise and elegant presentation supported by all sorts of illustrations for my topics.
Things, however, took a turn when after finishing off with the composition of my presentation; I
decided to do some practice in presenting my content. I chose my parents and siblings as an
audience and selected the drawing room as the site where I would be presenting. I fixed a time
for them, borrowed a projector system from one of the neighbors, attached my computer to the
projector system and there I was; all set for my mock presentation. Everything was going fine
and superb till then until I began presenting my topic after everyone was seated. Things took a
strange turn when I started. I felt quite confused as everyone was looking up to me in an excited
and inquisitive way. The first thought which came to my mind was will I be able to come up with
their expectations or not. And there began the start of a state of anxiety which persisted
throughout. I was a good speaker even before this event but on that day, I felt I am too nervous to
address an audience.
I cannot share more of the details of that presentation anymore as it was utterly disappointing and
not up to the mark in any way. Although I did not receive a discouraging comment or gesture

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1 Name: Professor: Date: ENG 101 Rhetorical Analysis My rhetoric journey Everyone has an aim in life. Some want to become doctors, other engineers, pilots, accountants or lawyers. The list continues. These interests develop innate or may be acquired with the passage of time. Sometimes, some critical life events take one to a specific position or towards a passion for that position. Even if one is pre-disposed to a certain profession, there is a point where this predisposition converts into passion and this the point from where-on, the journey becomes interesting and enriching. The paragraphs to follow are a narrative of how my interest in literacy development shaped from one of the experiences I had in my academic life and how this experience helped in shaping my passion towards mastering my rhetorical skills to an expert level and the role played by my family, teachers and peers in th ...
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