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Health as a Right

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Health as a Right
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The term health refers to a state of complete physical and mental well-being and not just
an absence of disease. Therefore, health is the state of human body in which all its physiological
functions are optimally engineered and occurring in perfect harmony. Any deviation from such a
state is therefore considered to be a disease or infirmity. Disease not only causes discomfort to the
person who is suffering from it, but also reduces productivity on part of the diseased person and
when diseases are considered at the community, national or international levels, they can result in
economic burdens as diseased people are able to contribute their full potential towards sustaining
the economy. Is health, and for that matter healthcare, a privilege or right is a debatable question.
Different people have different views regarding healthcare being a right or a privilege. However,
a strong opinion hold that healthcare is a basic human right. The term “right to health” explains
health as a socio-cultural and economic right of the people to access healthcare facilities at a base-
line level.
The world’s apex organization dealing with health and healthcare issues nationally and
internationally is the World Health Organization (WHO), which is an integral component of the
United Nations (UN). World Health Organization deals with ensuring healthcare services and
facilities are up to the mark and in the worst situations, come up to a bare minimum standard which
is considered mandatory for the human survival. The very constitution upon which the WHO was
envisioned stated that every person in the world deserved the “highest attainable” standard of
healthcare and considers it as the foremost right of all individuals inhabiting the world (WHO,
2019). However, the WHO is well-aware of the limitations and challenges of nations across the
world. Therefore, it makes appropriate adjustments for the various nations based upon their socio-
economic indices in order to define the magnitude of the right the people should have, in receiving

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Running Head: RESPONSE 1 Response: Health as a Right Firstname Lastname Institute name RESPONSE 2 The term health refers to a state of complete physical and mental well-being and not just an absence of disease. Therefore, health is the state of human body in which all its physiological functions are optimally engineered and occurring in perfect harmony. Any deviation from such a state is therefore considered to be a disease or infirmity. Disease not only causes discomfort to the person who is suffering from it, but also reduces productivity on part of the diseased person and when diseases are considered at the community, national or international levels, they can result in economic burdens as diseased people are able to contribute their full potential towards sustaining the economy. Is health, and for that matter healthcare, a privilege or right is a debatable question. Different people have different views regarding healthcare being a right or a privilege. However, a strong opinion hold that healthcare is a basic human right. The term “right to health” explains health as a socio-cultural and economic right of the people to access healthcare facilities at a baseline level ...
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